
  1. Afrodigh

    4 Hen Coop and Run on a Budget

    I'm determined to have 4 laying hens by spring 2018 (I'm planning on buying pullets after our last frost). My husband thinks it is more economical to buy a pre-fab rather than make one. I've read how disappointed most folks are with the budget-friendly prefabs, so I'm curious: Is it possible to...
  2. EYGFarm

    Best Brand(s) of Nipples for DIY Waterers, or Are They All The Same?

    From reading the posts on nipple waterers it seems the prevailing opinion is that the horizontal nipples are the best on all fronts except for the price (less dripping, easy to set down on a surface, less likely to freeze). I am wondering where folks are purchasing the nipples from and do you...
  3. Jamie0317

    Insulating a chicken coop

    We're turning an 8 x 8 farm style shed into a chicken coop. I live in Michigan and our weather can get really cold sometimes. I need to know how to insulate our shed. I already have rolled insulation in it. It isn't packed from one beam to the next is it supposed to be?
  4. M

    Diy Pigeon Feed?

    Hello Everyone! I have many pigeons and feel like they are not getting the proper nutrition from the bird seed I am giving them. I am interested in making my own pigeon feed, and have heard of others doing it, would you share any recipes you have used or heard of others using? Thank you!
  5. L

    DIY bucket/eye bolt feeder question

    I made one of these bucket/eye bolt/washer/nut feeders. Happened to have some small red pvc to slip between the washers to catch their eyes. Put it out night before last as only source of food to try to get then hungry enough to figure it. Sat in the run yesterday morning with them to...
  6. B

    How Do You Make The Cheapest Home-Made Incubator Possible!?

    My Andalusian Bantam will not brood her eggs, so I need to know how to make the cheapest home-made incubator, can you help?
  7. Recycled Kid's Play House to Purple Chicken Coop

    Recycled Kid's Play House to Purple Chicken Coop

    Hello! I am a mother hen to 6 chickens right now. Last year was our first year in chicken ownership so we had to have a coop. We scoured the internet for free and cheap recycled materials to make a coop. We had a goal in mind of using recycled good and saving money. We found a free kid's...
  8. Puddles7.15.17

    Duck Coop help!

    I am wanting to build my own duck coop/duck run for my 4 ducks. I want it to be large enough that they'll be comfortable if they are locked in it all day. I also am building a run in that'll be like a dog house so I can lock them in at night. What demensions should I make the whole cage? 8x8'...
  9. C

    How many Superworms to feed 20 chickens

    Hello! We are looking to raise our own Superworms to supplement feed and foraging. How many worms should we aim for, both to be raising and be feeding our chickens? Or is it more of an.. as much as you can sort of deal? 20 chickens!
  10. C

    Making my own feed recipe

    Planning on getting chickens in the spring, I am trying to come up with my own feed for them. I am going to have black oil sunflower seeds, wheat berries and peas I'm planning on sprouting and fermenting as much as I can and growing mealworms. I am looking into growing duckweed as well instead...
  11. StrivingForBetter

    Hatching lav orps and blr wyandottes

    This is my first hatching and I was able to get these eggs semi-locally (a couple hours to drive to get them). I began incubating them (a dozen of each breed) on the 7th with a couple forced air homemade incubators. One incubator is perfect and stabilized at 99.5 thanks to a computer fan and...
  12. StrivingForBetter

    DIY Incubator

    I just started my first batch of incubating on the 7th (a dozen lavender Orpington eggs and a dozen blue laced red wyandotte eggs) in some homemade forced air styrofoam incubators. So far the temps are stabilizing really well (one at around 100 and the other at 99.5) But my humidity is low (I...
  13. pkarkos

    DIY Incubator Questions

    Hello! I am building a DIY incubator from a foam cooler and a light bulb. I just tested with a light bulb and found it to be much too hot. My cooler's dimensions are about 12"x6"x9". Does anyone have recommendations for what watt light bulb would get the right temperature? I am also thinking of...
  14. RHChicks

    Solar power in MN help

    Anyone use solar power to have lights, heat lamp, fan and door for their coop and run? I have no idea where to start in looking into what i would need. Was going to run power from our house but that is out of the budget right now. Was told it would be around $1300 to run a line out there. Any...
  15. Wilson74


    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens I just got my chickens about a month ago from a nearby Mennonite community (2) How many chickens do you have right now? Currently have 5 hens (3) What breeds do you have? Golden Comets (4) How did you find out about...
  16. T

    (picture heavy) New guy with DIY cabinet incubator build, come follow along

    Hello, new guy here. I been waiting forever to be able to post!! I joined right when the conversion started so I never got a chance to post anything. I'm super excited to be able to share what I have been doing since then. Here in my little introduction...
  17. 2015 Coop-Tool Room

    2015 Coop-Tool Room

    Still not finished.. but fancy coop door found on sale, repurposed cabinets from our house... it's coming together
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