
  1. C

    Polish or crevecoeur chick

    Hi friends! So I have 8 chicks, two were labeled “assorted Polish crested”. The one absolutely looks like a Polish, but I’m unsure on this black one. Someone said he might be a crevecoeur, but I’m not sure how to tell the difference? He’s about 5 weeks old in this photo and he just started...
  2. CrazyCrevecoeur

    Crested Chickens in Breeding

    Hello. Just wondering if anyone knew about genetics and breeding say, an Ameraucana rooster with a Crevecoeur hen, and if it would result in crested offspring? No way to tell for sure if the eggs are definitely a Crevecoeur or just an Andalusian or leghorn, but best guess says two in the...
  3. Silviaschicks

    Not a Crèvecœur?

    Hi, I recently bought a crèvecœur but I don’t think she actually is one. She has black feathers, beak, and legs but white skin, and she also has feathered legs. She has 4 toes and a muff and beard
  4. C

    Looking for a home! Meet Bob Ross-French Crevecoeur Rooster

    I have a 6wk old rooster and can’t have him in town! This breed is supposed to be a rare breed. So sad! He’s already full of personality! They’re supposed to be really laidback, not aggressive! Looking for a good home for him. I live in the Florida Panhandle. Hoping to find someone local. If...
  5. Hannahnic14

    Crevecoeur with crooked beak

    Meet Herky Jerky! (My husband named her lol) She is almost 7 weeks old and we just noticed this week that her beak is doing something doesn't really look like the scissor beak pictures I've seen, it just looks....crooked? She doesn't have any problems eating/drinking/foraging...
  6. InTheHenHouse_

    Cockerel or pullet?

    I have a 6-7 week old Crevecouer chick and i have been wondering if it’s a cockerel or a pullet? I haven’t seen any comb growth or cockerel behavior
  7. G

    Larger chick is "mothering" other chick?

    I recently acquired two new chicks to add to my flock. A Red Shoulder Yokohama and a Crevecoeur. I have them both in the same brooder and I noticed that within what seemed to be minutes, the Yokohama imprinted on the Crevecoeur and vice versa. The Crevecoeur is substantially bigger than the...
  8. InTheHenHouse_

    Why does my chick smell?

    Ok I know this probably isn’t the best thread to post this in but I didn’t know where else to put it. I have about 4 week old crevecoeur chick and his little head has smelled like rotten poo the whole time I’ve owned him. Would anybody know what it is? he doesn’t act sickly or anything so I...
  9. urbanchickenadventure

    Seeking Crevecoeurs in Colorado

    This past summer we got lucky and found two Crevecoeurs and two Porcelain Leghorns to start us off on our chicken raising ventures. Sadly, I lost the flock leader, our big Crevercoeur, to a cat recently and would like to find at least one to two more to round out our flock again. Their...
  10. BarelyBirding

    Crevecoeur Chickens, Male/female?

    Hi, these two are my roughly 16 week old Crevecoeur chickens, I think the one with the spikey hairdo Is a cockerel, but I’ve never heard it crow, or even attempt to crow. All my other chickens that are cockerels have crowed already. It’s got a tiny bit of red on it’s waddles, but no visible...
  11. K

    A few birds

    I have six ducks, four red mixes, 2 bantams, a crevie (I think) and four guineas. Oh, and four goats.
  12. minus10gmt

    Crevecoeur rooster or hen? 14 wks

    Rooster or hen?
  13. TriciaChickens

    CreveCoeur - any experience, feedback?

    Looking to augment my small backyard flock and am intrigued with the CreveCoueur hen. Currently have 2 hens (had to rehome one) and want to add 3 to the group. Have a New Hampshire and an Ameracana. Looking for breeds that are between 5.5 - 6.5 lbs and are fine with confinement (12'x18' coop and...
  14. CottonCandyFox

    Please help Identify

    Hello all, when my uncle got a few of his chicken he was told the ones in the picture were Crevecoeur, however I have been looking online a lot and I don't think they are. At first I thought they might be Houdan. If y'all could help shed some light on these sweeties I would greatly appreciate...
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