crested chickens

  1. Fuzzychicken98

    5 month old polish rooster hasnt been crowing as much

    Hello all my lovely chicken people! Recently my absolute baby, Gary, my 5 month old double barred polish rooster hasnt been crowing as much. He acts normal. Just like he always has acted, but instead of crowing around 630-730am and thru the day and before bed time, he hasnt been. I've checked...
  2. Crested Chicken Breeds Guide Part Two

    Crested Chicken Breeds Guide Part Two

    Hi! Here is the second part to the crested chicken breed guide. Enjoy reading! Mapuche Chaco Argentine Pronunciation: ma-PU-chay CHA-coh ar-jen-TEEN Brown breasted Black Mapuche Chaco Argentine hen Alternate names: None Egg color: Blue or green Egg size or weight: Unknown Eggs per year...
  3. Crested Chicken Breeds Guide

    Crested Chicken Breeds Guide

    Looking for a pretty chicken to buy? Want a pet to cuddle with? Or simply curious about crested breeds? Then this article is for you! I have compiled a guide of all crested chicken breeds (not including naked necks or extinct breeds, even if they’re being back-bred.) If you are looking to buy...
  4. T

    Crested Swedish Flower chicken breeding

    I have heard mixed information and was hoping someone here would know. Someone told me that you should never breed a crested swedish flower chicken to another crested swedish flower. Very little info to back this up was provided. Does anyone have information about this and why I was told it...
  5. mybackyardhobbyfarm

    Crested mix ?

    I got this pullet recently. I was told she was a mix. Any ideas ?
  6. BrahmaMom1797

    Sultan Gender Help!

    I have two sultan chicks at about 8 weeks old. I got them from Meyer and ordered for only female chicks. I have polish hens and have already gone through the growing up of them as chicks, but sultans are a little bit different and harder for me to tell the sex. I’ve never actually raised them to...
  7. BrahmaMom1797

    Advice Needed got Sultan Chicks!!

    Hello all!! I have had a couple chicks for a bit and just put three of them outside. They’re fully feathered and definitely ready for the outside, it’s warm during the days and very mild at night. But the sultan chicks and who I’m worried about! I’m unsure if my sultan chicks are ready to go out...
  8. CityslickerHomestead

    Using a No-Spill Feeder with Crested Breeds?

    I’m thinking of switching out my feeder to the one in the photos. I’m tired of wasted feed. Would this be a problem with crested breeds getting access to the feed?? I have three polish and their crests are pretty luxurious for still being teenagers. Does anyone have experience with this? I’m...
  9. ChickenMamaSarah

    Bantam Bin Mystery Chicks

    We had a bad hatch this year under a new broody hen so after only ending up with two chicks I went to the local feed store to see what they had. I ended up coming home with 12 chicks: one naked neck, 3 crested chicks, and 8 random bantams. The feed store gets all their chicks from Ideal...
  10. Sexing Birds: Crests

    Sexing Birds: Crests

    Here’s a follow up to my article “Pullet or Cockerel? Understanding Sexual Dimorphism Will Help You To Figure It Out”. Sexual dimorphism is the differences in appearance between males and females of the same species (i.e. combs, size, colour, etc). Knowing what those differences are will help...
  11. C

    Greetings Chicken Peeps!

    At Wemus Farm we raise animals in harmony with our ecosystem. We love our chickens, but we also enjoy our Nigerian Dwarf Goat herd, our mixed flock of ducks, our sebastopol geese, our Polish Tatra livestock guardian and our two other mixed breed farm dogs. Of course we have two cats too. We have...
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