cornish cross

  1. RUNuts

    Feed back on Ideal CX?sh

    Gonna try meat birds next spring. I'd like to know how the Ideal CX are. Do you have to limit feed from day one? How did they turn out? Would you recommend? If not, why not? Healthy? I'm staying away from the broilers b/c of the crowing in the neighborhood. Don't want to announce to the...
  2. Toctoc

    White chicken, any ideas on breed?

    This is Chickoletta, she is about 18 weeks and hasn't laid any eggs. I'm trying to figure out what breed she might be. Any idea s?
  3. L

    What's Wrong With my Pullets?

    Hello. I have 8 three month old pullets (not sure exactly what breeds yet), and unfortunately, due to untimely issues, I had to keep my pullets with about ten Cornish Cross a bit younger than them. I worried, but they seemed okay for several weeks. Today, though, one of my family members noticed...
  4. To Eat or Not to Eat...that is the question

    To Eat or Not to Eat...that is the question

    To Eat or Not to Eat.. that is the question! We raised Cornish cross meat birds and didn't expect that every single one would live to eating size and expected them to weight at most 4-6 pounds on foot. I am a "veteran" poultry keeper and have dispatched countless cluckers over my VERY long...
  5. Mama-bear

    First timer needing advice

    Hello all. So my husband and I have decided to start to raise and process our own chicken. Built a new coop separate from our layers. On Wednesday 15 Cornish cross were delivered from Hoover hatchery (unvaccinated, 2 days in transit, mild weather) and all seemed lively. Took to water readily...
  6. B

    Raising Cornish X's on Fermented Feed - How often to feed and how much?

    I'm planning on raising around 15 male Cornish Crosses and like the concept of fermenting their feed to not only save money, but aid in their overall health. I'm pretty sure I understand how to ferment the feed itself but rationing it out appropriately is something I can't seem to find a clear...
  7. Haihai

    4h poultry project

    My Holstein ages 9 and 12, are ding the first broiler project our family has done. We received our chicks about a week ago, they are currently gaining 6oz a week, some more than that. Since this is our first project ( we only have show chickens and layers at home currently) I was wondering a few...
  8. 9blessings

    Moving Broiler Chicks to Grass!

    (32) 3 week old Cornish Crosses going out on grass today! Wanted to share the pics with you all! My brooder set up (they've been off heat for about 5 days - "hardening off")....clueless that their lives are about to change! At 3 weeks old, feathering nicely and getting big...
  9. L

    Please, help! Emergency, not a joke!!!

    Hello! I got 15 Cornish X from Purely Poultry (never buying from them again) when in the past three days, each day had one of them die. I didn't know what caused this, but today, another chick died. I saw the legs, and it looked exactly like Marek's!!! I just realized that every one of those...
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