cornish cross

  1. MamaGer8ty

    Help! Heat and seizure Cornish cross

    One of my rooster Cornish cross just seizured and died in my arms. From noticing when he wasn’t moving much to getting him in his own box with food and water to when he died was less than five minutes. Could the heat have killed him? All my chickens have water, shade, and food. He was panting...
  2. Tre3hugger

    Anyone have experience with welp hatchery cornish x?

    Going to be getting some meat birds soon, and welp has cornish x on sale all of june for $1.50. Any one raise any birds from them? experiences? Thnkas!
  3. SegiDream

    When to process?

    So I finally accepted that we wound up with 2 cornish cross chickens, not leghorns even though they were sold to me as leghorns. There's one hen and one roo. The hen is a sweetie and my daughter is upset at the thought of processing her because I told her we would be keeping the hens for eggs...
  4. ChiknforME

    In tractor 24/7

    When can I keep Cornish x in tractor 24/7 ? With Cornish x when is this possible? Do I need to make a box to lock them in at night? Or just tractor....will have one end Closed in with protection from elements.
  5. Meat bird tractor

    Meat bird tractor

    Mobile meat bird tractor. Auto watering, and wheels on bottom for easy moving.
  6. C

    Breeding meat birds

    Hey guys, So I’m thinking of trying to breed my own meat birds instead of purchasing the Cornish x chicks. My thought is to get a Dark Cornish roo and 5 ish white rock hens. I completely understand they will not be like the Cornish x I have been purchasing BUT I am looking to get a larger bird...
  7. Rolleigirl

    Local Feed Store Order - Easter Eggers?

    Hi All! A month ago I placed an order at my local feed store for 5 cornish x rock cross meat birds, 3 freedom ranger meat birds, and 2 Ameraucuna Pullets (‘easter eggers’). Today was the big day to pick them up! They had them boxed and ready to go when I arrived and because of Corona there was...
  8. danpeters9497

    Fast growth rate.

    So looking into meat birds I have obviously come across the ever present cornish cross. Which seem to be a Cornish and Plymouth rock? Not sure if that's right or not. Either way where do the fast growth genes come from? I've seen the multiple different ranger breeds that also have a relatively...
  9. TiaMaria413

    One chicken from Western Massachusetts!

    Hi my name’s Maria and I’m from Western Massachusetts. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am new to chickens and currently have my first and only chicken which I got about 2 months ago when I joined this page. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I just...
  10. 9SpiceyChickens

    Raising Cornish Crosses For Meat!

    Why hello there! (This is my new discussion post, so feel free to drop a tip or two!) I'm raising 4 cx for meat this year in 4h. We are doing the market trio and the birds need to be in between 3.5 and 6 pounds for fair! I am only raising 4, because we aren't going to raising 185 chicks...
  11. C

    Questioning chicken breed

    Ok question for you all. We have 13 week old chickens that we bought as Cornish crosses. My husband butchered a couple of them at 10 weeks and they were so skinny and meatless that we are now questioning their actual breed. I am posting pictures to help. They are not fat and they do not lay...
  12. Countrymanfowl

    Cornish Cross Weight at 8 Weeks?

    I understand that Cornish X's should be slaughtered at about 9 weeks of age and males will be around 10 pounds, females around 8. Is this true? Or are these numbers too high?
  13. Broad Breasted White

    Broad Breasted White

    The following information is all coming from Cackle Hatchery. The White Broad Breasted Turkey is the most common of commercial broad breasted strains of eating Turkeys on the market today. The White Broad Breasted Turkey is by far the largest of the breeds and generally are not able to...
  14. D

    after cleaning Cornish Cross - next step?

    Hello everyone, My husband and I are raising 25 Cornish Cross and plan to harvest them this week and next, but we just came across additional information we weren't aware of would appreciate some help in understanding. So after we kill, scald, pluck, clean we read that you need to rest in ice...
  15. K

    One of these things is not like the others...

    Moved my meat birds out today at 4 weeks old, and I’m puzzled by this featherless wonder. I am supposed to have all Red Rangers, but this one is a little different... hatchery (Beau Peep in BC, Canada) also provides CX and dark Cornish as meat breeds. Any thoughts on what it might be? This is...
  16. lrobb88

    Moving Cornish cross outside

    Hi there, I know that there are LOTS of threads about moving chicks outside, but I can’t find much applicable information aside from the classic “reduce the heat by 5 degrees a week.” I’m raising 25 Cornish cross which are a little over four weeks. They’re ALMOST fully feathered (a few bald...
  17. SenpaiChickens

    CX drink to much water!

    On one site I read that is was normal for meat birds to drink a lot of water? But these boys are now pooping really watery poo?.. So is this normal should I be worried? I read that this poo (in pic) is usally what they poo in really hot weather from lots of water intake.
  18. StephanieRose44

    How should I manage housing situation 10 hens -2 Roosters(1 Silkie & Cornish X Rooster!

    I may have posted this in the wrong thread, I wasn’t getting any responses or answers hope I can find someone here who will just give me a little advice on what to do here.
  19. LittleRedRanch

    Can broiler hens live a normal life?

    I've got 2 broiler chicks 2 months old (and the size of full grown chickens lol) i want to keep them happy and healthy for their life. I keep them seperate from everyone in their own coop for 2 so they can eat a small amount only at night they free range during the day. The bugs are not as...
  20. Donutley

    I Rescued a Chicken off the Road

    So about 5 weeks ago I found a chicken in the road that had escaped a chicken truck, judging by her state. I jumped out to get her and drove home, only to find that her wing was broken with part of the bone sticking out. After 4 vet visits and a lot of time with her living in my room, she's...
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