
  1. B

    Eliminating corn

    Hi! So, I got chickens from a friend. Theyve been on a diet mainly of your average/inexpensive feed which contains corn. I have friends and family interested in the eggs, but they have allergies that require the eggs to come from chickens on a no soy/corn diet. My question: If I change up the...
  2. BroodyBambi

    Purple Corn vs Yellow Corn. What’s the Difference?

    What’s the difference between purple corn and yellow corn for the flock? Is it a gimmick? I know purple vegetables with have different nutritional values than their original color. Is it the same for corn? P.s. I think it would be so cool if the yolks turned purple.. Halloween eggs! :lau
  3. J

    grounded corn

    i dont have access to grit. no stores sell it here, and i dont have access to online stores that do sell it. i tried to find it myself, but the pebbles i could find were all too big. to get around the issue i started feeding the chicken mainly parsley, alongside some smaller grains that it wasnt...
  4. Lunes

    Bored chicks who are corn fanatics

    Sorry- a lot of questions I’m about to unpack here 😂 My two silkie chicks are 4 & 3 weeks old and seemed a little bored in their playpen setup so I googled if I could give them snacks or something new and read that if I chopped up sweet corn and gave them a very small amount it was ok. Well, I...
  5. C

    Corn/Soy/Organic Feed

    My husband and I are going fully organic with our chickens and are currently using Mile Four organic feed (no soy, no corn). Of course, it's a pretty penny to maintain the cost of the feed, and I saw some cheaper organic feeds on the market WITH corn/soy, so the question is... If you're pro...
  6. Wired1979

    Home Grown Winter Poultry Feed Alternatives

    Compatriots, With the price of poultry feed skyrocketing its time for me to look into some less expensive options. I have 5 acres and the poultry already free range, but the Iowa winters preclude free ranging approximately 4 months year. I am looking for some advice on what I could grow that...
  7. T3rrorToff33

    Glass gem corn harvest

    Thought id post of my glass gem corn harvest! I wanted to plant corn in my garden for about 7 years and FINALLY got around to it this year. Some of them ended up as sweet corn hybrids so instead of saving those I just cooked and ate them after harvest, pretty good meal I'd say! I harvested...
  8. I

    Rye sprouts for feed. It is surprisingly easy to maintain.

    I have rye, oat and sunflower seed sprouts and my chicken love it! I give it to them before bed. I see there is lots of discussion about it- I find it easy to maintain and it’s better for the summer than just grains.
  9. DoubleYolk123

    Balanced diet for hens to stop feather picking

    Hi Everyone 👋 So I’d like to ask everyone, how many treats they feed their chickens, what treats and how often. Basically, my chickens are losing feathers and according to the vets it’s a parasite in their skin, which they are on medication for. However they also pluck at each other a lot and...
  10. H

    Homemade Chicken Feed Recipe--How Does This Sound?

    Hi everyone! We're about to transition our flock of laying hens (and one pullet) to a homemade mix of grains/seeds, etc. I found this recipe one BYC ages ago (will link the original post if I can find it,) and just wanted to run it by some more experienced chicken keepers: 12 cups of whole...
  11. miiichaelnielsen


    I've had the idea to do this for a while (I've seen Zoos do this with koi, camel or goat food for visitors.) so when I came across this antique gumball dispenser at a garage sale last weekend for $10 I just about squirted in my pants! :celebrate This thing is all metal and glass so it's...
  12. V

    PUFA-Free, Grain-free layer recipe

    I want PUFA-free (or very-low-PUFA) feed for my chickens. Here are a couple of videos that explain a little why, if you're interested. , . I know that avoiding soy and corn is important, but I don't know what might be actually acceptable in feed if I want eggs that are very low in PUFA...
  13. T

    Metabolism And Feeding

    There are many local or indigenous chicken breeds on the planet that have never been fed commercial fully formulated feed. Scratch and scraps are used instead of fully formulated feed. a) What happens to the metabolism of these breeds? b) How will their metabolism change if they are fed...
  14. C

    Help! Maize mites in chick starter and grower 50lb bag!!

    So i had a bag of infested corn that was next to my chick feed and now i am starting to see little maize mites in my chick feed. Is there anything I can do besides throw it away. Any mites killer tricks. Help PLZ!
  15. S

    crazy for corn

    corn. thats it. my 5 week old chickens, they just go absoulutly insane for corn. like, they would sell their soul for corn. i made for them what i call "quarrentine corn-tea", and basically boil some water in a kettle, put some frozen sweet corn in a mug, and rinse it with the water, and drain...
  16. G

    Very Special Feed

    Hello there, I was interested in an animal nutrition consultation, but sadly, no self respecting animal nutrition consultant will take a guy with several dozen ducks on his property seriously. I run a medium sized poultry farm in East Tennessee and I feel less than amazing about feeding them...
  17. WallyBirdie

    Sharing food: Cats and Chickens

    Very hot days mean very hot chickens. I put out a bunch of frozen corn to treat the birds, but my cat Taz decided he wanted to eat the corn too! So, I look outside to check on everyone and there is a line of Chicken, chicken, chicken, guinea, cat, chicken... Then one of my other chickens...
  18. R

    My duck throwing up corn?

    Hi guys, I went to check up on my 10 month old Pekin duck and there was corn kernels everywhere. I brought her inside the house, went to the bathroom and when I came back out there was corn kernels EVERYWHERE inside one corner of my house! I don’t know what’s happened, I didn’t see her throw up...
  19. P

    Feeding only corn and soybean meal

    Hi, I am struggling with creating my own broiler feed and I wish to find out can I use only corn and soy meal plus premixes with vitamins and minerals? Would it be a complete feed? Any recommendation is more then welcome. ... Or any of your proven recipes.
  20. cluckmecoop7

    Can I feed my chicks corn?

    Hi all, I have three-week-old chicks. I was wondering if I can give them "defrosted frozen corn" at this age. I gave them a little bit and they love it but I wanted to check out what you think. Also, they did fine. No reactions or anything. Thanks, Cluckmecoop7
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