coop design


    Check out my ultimate chicken coop/run!

    Hello, I am new to this site and wanted to share My coop. I am an engineer by day and think I did an ok job on my coop. I Designed and built this coop after a lot of planning and research. Tell me what you think! Please subscribe to my YouTube channel for future awesome engineering ideas...
  2. Epnh77

    Coop Ventilation

    Hi all. I’ve finished building my larger coop (it took me a few years of slow weekend work)and fortified it after a fisher cat took my whole flock last winter. My main concern for winter is ventilation. I have vents over the door and in the eaves of the roof. Should I completely close the window...
  3. Vada the rooster

    Opinions on ventilation for my coop

    Hello all! Last mid winter, I moved my ladies roosting area into another section of my barn. Mainly to give them another room to get away from one another. I currently have 34 hens that share this barn space. I live in Buffalo New York, and our winters are fairly cold and snowy. (My run was not...
  4. Exhibitionhouse

    Coop Design and Construction in New Orleans

    Exhibition House Coop I wanted to post our coop design here, but am realizing I didnt take enough photos of the process. I'll try to explain as much as I can remember. Feel free to comment with any questions, critiques or tips for the future. Duration: It took my husband and I about two...
  5. Coopin Is a Habit

    Woods Open Air Coop Scaled Down (Can I do a 4 x 10?)

    Hello everyone! I am completely new to chickens and coop building as well as having minimal building experience. I am operating on a budget and have acquired a lot of free lumber to build a coop for my 8 ladies who grow significantly every day. I decided that Woods' Open Air Poultry House is the...
  6. kjat32

    Alligators and coop design by a canal in Florida

    Howdy, Been off the forum a long time since we last had four hens in 2015. Looking to get back into it but the problem is that we now live in SW Florida and where we have to put the coop is right next to a canal. If you're not familiar with Florida, it's said you should just assume any water...
  7. mthrcluckers

    Ventilation Suggestions for Coop?

    Hello! I am new to chickens(going on 6 months) and I have a small flock of 7 chickens. I'm looking for some suggestions regarding ventilation--I am the second owner to this coop, and have started renovating it. The inside has all new walls and floor but I noticed it doesn't seem to ventilate...
  8. hannahsocal

    Double Coop Breeding Pen Designs?

    Hello! I have barred rocks and leghorns and I’m trying to think of a good design for a “space-saving” double coop (aka 2 hutches that are connected) so that each side/hutch/coop can house one breed of chicken. Every design I come across is either too small or has a shared run (which wouldn’t be...
  9. PioneerChicks

    Share your dream coop!

    We're moving and I will be building a new coop (or coops) at our next place. I'm looking for ideas and inspiration. Please share your dream coop plans and must-haves! P. S. I want to try geese too, and possibly more pigeons, and who knows what else, so other poultry species coops are welcome :pop
  10. ChickenOfSpades

    Pen/coop is adjacent to permanent wall. Any reason to put hardware cloth on the side next to the wall?

    I have plans to build a bigger, better coop in a different location in my yard, but am building a quick coop so the chickens can get outdoors full time. (Construction on the big coop was delayed a bit due to illness and foul weather.) The temporary coop will be in a little pocket next to my...
  11. E

    Hoop coops in extreme climates?

    Hi! I posted about inheriting a coop at the house I bought a few months ago and ultimately have decided to scrap it* and start fresh with a totally new setup. I'm in Minnesota, so I'm thinking carefully about my designs, and I'm not intending to actually acquire chickens until the coop is done...
  12. S

    Have been interested in Chickens but now have the time.

    I've raised chickens in the past but just now have the time to start building a real chicken coop, run, etc. Looking forward to designing, building and raising. Live on a lake now so have raised ducks in the past. may look into that also.
  13. ChickenOfSpades

    Coop design feedback

    I've shopped and deliberated, and I think I'm just gonna bite the bullet and build a coop from scratch. I drew up a quick wireframe of how I imagine the coop. I've attached images from different angles and showing the interior. The random dude with a dinosaur shirt and ukulele is there for...
  14. V

    I’ve read everything and still need help with ventilation

    We have bought a property with a pre-built coop. I just want to make sure it’s ventilated but not drafty. The top is open and goes to the outside. I KNOW this needs to be covered with hardware cloth to prevent vermin coming in. But is this considered drafty? Should I board up the interior roof...
  15. The chicken nurd

    Questions about adding ventilation

    Any suggestions on adding ventilation to my coop (Pictures are from today while I was cleaning it the first 4 are of the inside with the doors off and the last one is a front view of the coop with the doors on)
  16. R

    Coop In Progress

    The coop is in progress now! Brooder setup in the corner so we can move the flock from the tote in the house finally 😂 I wanted a standing height inside for easy cleaning, so we made use of an old concrete slab to design on - hopefully that will help keep things cooler in the summer. And then...
  17. The chicken nurd

    Question about adding poop board

    I finished my new coop a few months ago and now am realizing it might be nice to add a poop board to keep the coop a little cleaner any suggestions on how to do that (Picture of roost below)
  18. TylerMcM

    Creative coop sugestions

    A little background for me. I have about 4 years of raising chicken experience. All in Appalachia. I now live on Big Island Hawaii (where there IS a such thing as free chicken!). My question is this, how would you design a coop for your birds if you had no worries of predators or cold temperatures?
  19. M

    How much ventilation would i need for this coop?

    I have a wooden kids playhouse I'm planning on converting to a coop for 4-6 chickens (average size breeds, like Rhode Island Reds and Barred Rocks). They would have access to an enclosed run all day, and only be confined to the coop at night. My main concern is how much ventilation to add. The...
  20. C

    Is this correct ?

    I have 3 chickens. They are 7 weeks old and size of my coop is 4.2 cubic feet. I have a diagonal roost with length of 2.2 feet and 1.4 feet away from walls and an angle of 45 degree. They have a bowl of water with Apple cider vinegar in it and a commercial feeder with 12 cubic inch of feeding...
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