
  1. S

    Ducks In Winter - PA

    Hello! I have four Khaki Campbell ducks out on an acre pond. During the winter, we run a water pump to keep the pond from completely freezing. There is also a floating duck house out in the middle. It is -8 degrees with the wind blowing. A Great Horned Owl has been tormenting the flock. Two of...
  2. S

    Hens too nervous to come out and eat

    Hi! I have 6 hens who are 17 weeks old. We live in Southeastern WI and are dealing with some pretty frigid temps with the “bomb cyclone”. I have our run all tarped up, to deter some of the frigid winds, however my hens are pretty nervous by the big winds and the tarp freaks them out as well. I...
  3. tingupinguu

    Will ducks be okay without food/water for the night?

    I took my ducks inside due to the cold temperatures outside, Will they be okay without water/food for the night?
  4. G

    Molting chickens + -30 windchills…

    I am a new chicken mama, please don’t judge. I know a lot of people have been worried about the cold. I live in NW Georgia and it hasn’t gotten below 20 degrees yet, but tonight/tomorrow it’s supposed to be below 0 with -20 to -30 windchills. We built our coop, and it’s sturdy and well...
  5. tingupinguu

    How cold is too cold to ducks?

    The temperatures are supposed to go down by about 19 degrees tomorrow, I would like to know how cold is too cold to ducks.
  6. tingupinguu

    How can I keep my Muscovy Ducks warm?

    The temperatures are expected to go below 20 degrees tomorrow, How can I keep my ducks warm for the cold?
  7. Cloverr39

    How cold is too cold for chickens?

    I've heard chickens will be fine walking aoutside in -20°C weather, but what about at night? I only have a small wooden coop made out of pallets and one layer of styrofoam along the walls. The breeds I have are silkies, bantam brahmas and bantam cochins. Overall pretty small and compact breeds...
  8. ChickenOfSpades

    Sudden temp drop in weather, should I heat coop?

    I know it's usually not necessary to heat a coop in winter, but were getting a sudden drop in temp. Should I give them a little heat since they may not be acclimated yet? (I have a flat panel heater with high/low settings to use instead of a heat lamp) We've been in the mid 70s in day and 40s...
  9. M

    Too cold this winter for chicks :(

    Hello! I recently got 10 chicks shipped to me and they’re around 2 weeks old right now I also have one chick that is 3 weeks old and I thought I would be able to put them in their permanent coop this winter before it gets cold but it’s getting cold here VERY fast and it’s gonna be a very snowy...
  10. C

    Guineas soaked in the rain

    I am new to owning guineas and have a mixed flock with them and chickens. They have been doing great, and are about 2 months old and have been in their coop and outdoor run area for 2 weeks. I live in Iowa, USA. It had been very dry, so the guineas had been sleeping by roosting on the roof of...
  11. D

    Somebody please tell me the reason she died

    My baby quail got wet during the night and in the morning was very cold, couldn't stand and barely opened her eyes, but at least she was breathing... Before i go on, a day ago she was just as weak when i woke up, but not cold, her crop was pretty much empty and i somehow saved her after watching...
  12. R

    Chicken found in pool

    I found my chicken in my pool tonight and I’m not sure what to do. It’s still pretty warm at night here but I’m worried. The chicken is standing still and shivering a bit. She closes her eyes at times and I’m not sure if she’s trying to sleep or not. I’ve warned her up using a heater and blow...
  13. H

    Ducklings and EcoGlow Heating Plate

    This isn’t a question, more so just sharing info as I’ve learned incase anyone wants to know. Got some 2 day old runner ducklings. Made them a brooder. Used an EcoGlow heating plate for heat- it works great whenever I get chicks! The ducklings definitely get warm from it, it just seems like...
  14. 907poultry

    4 Week Old Keet Survives Alone Outdoors For Entire Night- 30 degrees!

    I live in a warmer part of Alaska currently, it is May and the temps only drop to 30 degrees at night. I’ve read that guinefowl keets should be kept at 80 degrees at 4 weeks old, but have allowed many 3 week olds to go outdoors on hot spring days (45 degree weather), with no ill results. The...
  15. A

    cold weather

    Hey so I currently brought all my doves from California to washigton state and since there’s a huge weather difference and there about 25 doves they stay outisde but we make sure to top there cages with several layers of thick blankets. I currently checked the weather and it’s say around 4am...
  16. First Egg from Hen

    First Egg from Hen

    Found at 11:30, and was cold.
  17. veery67eggy

    lethargic and cold

    my golden polish 4 year old hen has scissor beak and has been needing "defrosting" of her feathers some nights. this morning she wasn't moving so we brought her inside. she's been wrapped i a towel for two hours. we've been giving her sugar water through a syringe and force feeding some oatmeal...
  18. TheBirdBabe

    New chicks & leaving for a trip!

    Hello everyone, Recently one of my hens hatched some chicks. She's done a stupendous job with them lately & finally got them out & about today to eat & explore! They loved it so much that after I put them in the nesting box, a few hours later.. they're back out with mama. It's a nice day for...
  19. H

    Is 3 Degrees Fahrenheit Too Cold??

    Hi all. So I live in New England and it has been bitterly cold the past couple of days. It’s been getting down to 0-10 degrees during the nights. It’s 3 degrees tonight and I have four hens. One of them is finishing up her molt and another is not very well equipped for cold weather. My coop...
  20. C

    Does my frizzle have a cold?

    I feel like something is wrong with this 4 week old bantam frizzle I just got. I know literally nothing about chickens really so I have nothing to judge it on but she seems to be breathing audibly while the others are not. She’s also doing what sounds to me like sneezing, but I couldn’t get it...
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