chinese painted quail

  1. Q

    Chinese Painted Quail behaviors

    I work at an aviary that houses Chinese Painted Quail as a little cleanup crew. It is a public facility in a very tourist driven city and we get many visitors a day. This makes some of the quail a “stepping on” risk, unfortunately. Due to this issue, our employees supervise and protect quail...
  2. Cheepcheeps

    Chinese painted quail: Is this something to be worried about?!

    Hi all, This is Star, my very loved 1 year old Chinese painted quail. Recently we noticed 2 small bumps on her back. We parted her feathers and noticed a yellow bony looking growth sticking out her back. Please see attached picture. Now this might be totally normal, but she is the first quail I...
  3. Ravenlover

    Coturnix quail,Celadon,Albino,Black Birthday Hatch/pied-Darth,boody mom, Chinese painted quail.

    Thanks to @FloorCandy I am getting 18 coturnix eggs 2 are potentially fertile albino and 1 is potentially fertile black and the rest celadon,I only say potentially cuz I was told it's a chance cuz the males young,my fiancee said I can have a coturnix since my personal button Lucifer keeps...
  4. Button Krista

    First time Button Quail chicks

    I had 2 of the 4 eggs hatch today. The parents are very timid and I bought them already mature so there's not much taming I could do with them. Today 2 chicks hatched and they are imprinted on their parents. If I pick them up the mom gets worried and the chicks if I carry them away will call...
  5. K

    Boy or girl??

    I have recently got 6 Chinese Painted Quails and they have reached the stage where I need to split them up before any fighting starts. Three are, I think, 'Normal' variety... Mainly greyish colour but getting darker as they get older. Two are definitely males, complete with very obvious bibs...
  6. P

    Hybridising Chinese Painted Quail and Japanese Quail

    For a while now I have had two Chinese painted (CP) quail (assumed a pair) living with my Japanese Coturnix (JC) hens. Surprisingly, the CP roo has not once mated with his CP hen. Instead, he took a fancy to my JC hens. At first it was a futile attempt, he would climb on their necks and sit...
  7. P

    Button Quail Flying/Crashing in the Night?

    Hi all, My pair of button quail live with my Coturnix hens currently, and get along like peas in a pod. I often see the buttons snuggling with the other hens, so they’re coexisting well, and I know there is no fighting occuring between them. In the day all is fine... but at night, it’s a...
  8. P

    When Do We Decide To Split The Flock?

    Hi all, My quail are now 6 weeks old, which I know is where they'll be reaching sexual maturity and begin producing potential eggs and roo foam. I know that the rule of thumb for keeping quail is 1 roo for every 4-6 hens, and that eventually my lot will need to be segregated to keep the peace...
  9. P

    Meet the Peepers

    All stress aside, my stunted quail may have put me through hell, but they’re so sweet and cuddly and have made so much progress. They’re almost completely ready to leave for the farm (sans a few head feathers), but here’s everybody now: Chip: Cookie: Rocky: Plum: Peach: Dot: The...
  10. P

    New Additions - Chinese Painted Quail

    Hi all, I unintentionally stumbled across a local advertisement for someone selling two Chinese painted quail, and since quail are almost impossible to find here, I foolishly purchased them with intent on them joining the farm. Safe to say that won’t be happening now; they’re completely untame...
  11. jackbolton3

    Need help sexing this button quail

    Hey so I hatched a terrible hatch rate of button quail earlier this spring and have 2 to show for it. Ones 100% whatever the classic blue color one is, or maybe red breasted. Male for sure But this one I'm not sure about his heads kinda black and theirs almost what looks to be a bib ever so...
  12. L

    Chinese painted quail- colour query

    Hello! I'm quite new to quail husbandry as a whole, and I was wondering about the colour identifications. I have one little male around 3 weeks old, and was wondering if anybody knew what colour he might be identified as. I look forward to any replies, and I apologise in advance for the poor...
  13. quailbird

    Almost 4 week old button w scaling skin problem (can’t see any mites). Need help.

  14. Jayjayquails

    Hatch along from today!

    Well I've just put Chinese painted quail, in incubator today. I think the hatch day be 24th? Correct me if in wrong Who wants to follow along?
  15. spiffyvanspot

    Button Quail Eating Bedding

    Hi there! I'm new to BYC although I have been a lurker for a couple years now- since getting my first buttons. I have been struggling with poo and paper bedding getting stuck to their toes and I've been diligent about washing their feet. My one girl lost a toe before I noticed, unfortunately...
  16. MageofMist

    Breeding Plans... Suggestions wanted!

    So, I have a rare docile button quail. His morph is a regular tuxedo, but the thing that makes him rare to me is that he'll just rest in your hand completely content while with the other quail which I have raised exactly the same way as him from eggs, you have to keep hold of them or they'll fly...
  17. SeattleButtons

    HELP! First Time Hatching Eggs (button quail)

    Hi All, I am currently incubating 4 button eggs... I originally ordered 15, but they were stuck in the post too long (about 6 days, shipped 2 days after collection) and most of them didn't make it :( Today is the 16th day of incubation, and yesterday, since I didn't really see any signs of...
  18. MageofMist

    Finally a female and my first ever bred quail egg!

    In my first batch, I had all males, and in my second batch I got a male and female and in the 3rd and 4th it looks like I have even more females! I was looking at my community quail pen which houses 9 youngsters, 2 of which are a little bit older, and giving them some millet grass when I noticed...
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