cotournix quail

  1. Look at this cutie!

    Look at this cutie!

  2. Coturnix quail

    Coturnix quail

    I'm being judged...
  3. B

    Coturnix & Japanese quails!!! Are they the same?

    Are coturnix and Japanese quails the same? I currently have one male coturnix and need to get him a friend. Will he get along with a Japanese quail? Is it best to get a male or female? I read that male and male can get aggressive sometimes
  4. LaughingLagomorph

    Hi, I'm hopefully a future breeder of ayam cemanis and others!

    I am by no means new to chicken keeping and have been obsessed with birds and homesteading since I was a young child. I currently have 5 ayam cemani, 2 unknown bantams, and 2 broad breasted white turkeys. I used to have a much larger variety of poultry and breeds. I am freelance commission...
  5. A

    Incubating Quail Questions

    Hello so I just recently found out how to successfully incubate chicks and have been loving my tiny flock of quail and have been wanting to expand it. I just have some questions: -What temperature do I maintain the Cotournix Quail Eggs at? -What Humidity do I maintain the eggs? -How many days...
  6. A

    Quail can’t peck properly and seems sick.

    Hello so I had gotten 4 quail from someone and I took them home and they seemed healthy but a bit scared of me, now 4-5 weeks later I have them they are happy and trust me they all seem good except for one quail in the past this quail has not pecked straight or accurately (have tried giving it...
  7. W

    Quail sleeping a lot

    My coturnix quail are 5 weeks old they are sleeping a lot during the day. Does this mean they might be sick.
  8. S

    Retrying introductions with bully coturnix- worth it?

    Hi all, long post alert. A few questions about quail temperament and if I need to be more patient or if a specific quail is just not going to work out. Some background: I had a Celadon roo and Pharaoh hen by themselves for about 2 weeks, before the farm sent a Celadon hen (the roo was a...
  9. YamYam

    Treating quail sour crop?!

    I have a quail which I think has sour crop, all she had been doing for the past few days has been drinking water. I bought miconazole today but im completely confused with how much I should give her, anyone know? So far I have given her some apple cider vinegar in her water and had the quail...
  10. I

    Eggs wiggling at day 13? Should I lock down?

    Ive been seeing little wiggles in my Cotournix Eggs since last night, Should I lock down? I feel like it’s kind of early. Temperature has been at 100, Humidity 45% in incubator since started. Also, I counted day one 24 hours after I put them in the incubator. Is that the correct way to do it...
  11. MeanCheek

    What Color Will They Be?

    I just set eggs and if they hatch what color will the chicks be? Here are the roos I call this color Scarlett, but is that right? His back got beat up when he was in my pheasant coop with other male quail. He's in with the hens now.
  12. bridgetamelia98

    Quail all found slaughtered!?

    This morning I went out to check on my button quail and all but 1 were dead, they are housed with a chicken and a rooster and a larger coturnix quail and have never had any problems until this morning where there was a pile of them in their little wooden house on the bottom floor I don’t know if...
  13. Jessica Lyn

    Help! Incubation tips

    Thought I did enough research before but I guess not considering this last hatch rate. Throw me all your incubation tips for coturnix quail. For both still air and circulated, and hand turning tips. What humidity do you prefer? Do you dry hatch? What day do you go into lockdown? 14 or 15? What...
  14. Jessica Lyn

    Jessica Lyn

  15. Wordstoyourface

    Coloration question ,whats this color?

    Coloring questions ,I have 6 chicks from this pair. I only got pics of 3 because its the 3 main turnouts. I tried to get a pic of the dads wings but he escaped,so I spent a good 20 mins running around my yard shirtless trying to net him with the only thing I had. Also idk if its just him or all...
  16. Puddingtheamericana

    Quail eggs hatching on day 24

    i’m currently incubating some quail eggs for the 4th time. 1st try was success, the rest weren’t, and now i’m doing it again. every time we hatched quails, they either poked a hole or completely got out all on days 23-24. which i thoguht was normal bc i had read it was 25 days, which i’m glad i...
  17. Nervously Sweating

    Unsure if my coturnix quail will hatch

    18 days ago, I got my first coturnix quail eggs and put them in my cheap incubator. (I had them shipped from Ohio to Texas). I've been incubating them at 96.5 to 99 degrees Fahrenheit and I'm pretty sure they'll be hatching late. I know most of them have life and are big enough to darken most of...
  18. MissPeep

    Raising Coturnix Quail in Arizona

    I have four Coturnix quail that are ready to go into their hutch. I’ve never raised them before and I'm wondering if the hutch can be outside here in southern Arizona or if it needs to be on a covered patio or even inside the house. This photo is the setup I built, but the hutch is easily moved...
  19. Britt712

    My female has started bullying..

    I have 2 female coturnix quail that have been together since they've hatched and have gotten along ever since. They are 9 months old and one of them has started picking on the other. I am aware that this is bullying behavior because just 20 minutes ago one has started pecking and chasing the...
  20. TheQuailHouse2

    Coturnix Quail sand bath

    If anyone knows around when the right time to give coturnix quail a sand bath that would be highly appreciated. Thanks!
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