chicken coop building

  1. T

    Stationary vs portable coop

    Hi, guys, so I have 5 baby chicks right now and I’m really stressed about coop/run situation when they’re older. I currently live in a duplex where the 2.5 acres of back yard space is shared. The neighbors are okay with chickens but don’t want me to free range them which is totally understand. I...
  2. She_Wanted_Chicks

    Affordable and Reliable Coop Foundation

    Brand new to BYC!! I’ve scoured the forum and found a few articles related to foundation choices, but the reality is each person’s opinion is different and they bring knowledge to the table. Besides, some of the posts were from 3-4 years ago. We’re about 2-4 weeks out from our flock being coop...
  3. Y

    How much hardware cloth should I get for my coop?

    Hello I am currently in the process of planning out my chicken coop, I was looking into hardware cloth for the run but am not sure how much to buy for a 8 feet by 14 feet run. It would be great if anyone could help!
  4. D

    Can I convert this into a chicken coop?

    Hi all, New to this site, I wonder if anyone could tell me if this is a good idea or bad? We have this old tree house, it isn't being used, it is well insulated and can have power fed to it from the sheds below ( which we use for storage) . Would this work as a chicken coop/ hen house if I...
  5. Captnrex

    My coop start to "finish"

    And why having an actual (blueprint) plan is a good idea, cause I didn't lol My original idea was I knew I wanted it 8 foot long (bottom 4x4s) but finally figured 6 foot wide.... + the 2x4s running on the outside of the vertical 4x4s buddy works at a hospital equipment delivery place so he had...
  6. Quackingham palace part 2

    Quackingham palace part 2

    The Hen House....... The chicken coop 4’x8’x7’ Floor plan The chicken coop cost about $466.00. So with the duck house, pen and chicken house together it cost about $2,560. That’s not counting all the supplies that I already had or got for free. Building the foundation Putting the first...
  7. D

    Has anyone used silvertech siding for their coop?

    I am considering this for siding of the coop. Wondering if anyone had built a coop with the material? My concern is that the chickens may peck at the radiant barrier (inside) coating of the siding, which may not be healthy for the chickens. We live in north Texas where temps can exceed 100...
  8. Amlong712

    Hardware cloth in coop, help!

    so, i put the hardware cloth on all windows and the bottom..picture below (stapled to the bottom of the coop).. now what can i put on the hardware cloth thats on the floor? Theres a strip that sticks up, so it would end up cutting them, and I honestly dont want that to happen! Please help...
  9. D

    Our chicken coop/run construction progress

    We started with laying the foundation by manually excavating and leveling the paving stones and the floor sill during the hot temps in north Texas of 100+ degrees. The area is 6' x 16' to support up to 10 chickens. We started coop framing soon after. Coop area is 6' x 4'. Framing the coop...
  10. Chicks in VA

    Its time for me to build a coop !!!!!!!!!

    Hi, their folks I'm going to build a coop that is 8X8.We have 50 wood screws and a drill to start I'm going to start with the floor and work up. I will get pictures when the floor is done and when the walls are done and stuff like that. It's going to be a mostly wood coop with a metal roof. We...
  11. Loweryfarm

    Coop build on Advice.

    I bought a used large rabbit hutch that I figured I could convert to a chicken coop and have some ideas but would love advice/ideas as well. its 10 ft long and 32” wide, floor to top is about 8 feet. I obviously want to cover the bottom half so it’s more of an enclosed coop. I was thinking...
  12. Chicken Coop Build in a Permaculture Food Forest

    Chicken Coop Build in a Permaculture Food Forest

    With a lot of help from Back Yard Chickens in the last two years, our flock is happily thriving. Two years ago I submitted my design plans to Back Yard Chickens and I’m so grateful for the extensive suggestions for changes. I cringe to think of my original plans with walls and little windows (in...
  13. mschickiemama

    I need chicken house tips

    Hi guys, I could use some advice on the current chicken house. I only have one chicken right now so it doesn't get too messy, but she sleeps in the nesting box (they are removable for cleaning), and I feel like the roosts are at weird heights. One is low and the other is really high. I don't...
  14. AmberNate

    Good coop for 4 hens?

    Hey all! I’m a new chicken mama with 4 eight week old Easter Eggers. I’m hoping to pick up their new coop tomorrow from my local Tractor Supply. What do you guys think? I’ll also have a separate, larger mobile run that I’ll put them in from time to time and move them around my yard so they can...
  15. A

    Need advice.. is this fox proof wire?

    Hi guys, I’m currently looking at a few different options for a duck pen/chicken coop, and have been looking at some enclosures online (photo attached) however after reading a few blogs/websites about what wire is best to use for predator protection, I’m not feeling confident that this will hold...
  16. S

    Silkie chickens question

    My silkies are about 6 months old now and I have integrated them into flock of older chickens. They are doing well, but they can’t figure out how to go up the ramp into the coop. So every night I have to go out and pick them up to put them in for the night. The coop has a board with slats for...
  17. J

    What inside everyone’s coop ?

    Hi all . Just setting up my coop which I am using a large shed for at the min . I have ordered some perches and a little swing ladder thing . Just wondering what everyone has inside their coop and what have people used for nesting boxes ? I’ve seen some great ideas from old milk crates and...
  18. 5 Things to Consider when Building a Chicken Coop

    5 Things to Consider when Building a Chicken Coop

    Often times when people are building a chicken coop for the first time, they don't know where to start. Here is a list of the most important things to think about when you are building a coop. 1. Predator Proof Predator proofing your coop might be tricky, but is well worth it. Check through...
  19. S

    Introducing Myself

    We are brand spanking new to raising chickens. We started 3 mos ago as something to do during quarantine especially for our adult special needs daughter. We started with 5 New Hampshire Reds and immediately found that all kinds of things came up that we needed to know about and that’s how we...
  20. J

    Chicken Run ideas

    Hello all! Almost finished building our first chicken coop for our 13 girls. Actually picked up The coop idea from a thread on here so shout out to My6chicks. I’m looking for some run ideas now. I don’t want to go over the top with it considering the coop was much more expensive than I...
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