
  1. Nbbl

    is it possible to determine the gender❓🙃

  2. Nbbl

    What Breed Or Gender is This?😅

  3. K

    What breed are these chicks?

    Hello, these are unknown chicks I hatched in an incubator. Any ideas on what breed they may be and are they auto sexing? I think I’ve read something about a breed being auto sexing with a black spot on its head or back? I think it may be a Sussex breed but I’m unsure. Help!!
  4. K

    Need help sexing this silkie frizzle!!

    Hi guys, here are some pictures of the chick. It's around 2-3 weeks old. Please leave opinions thanks! :)
  5. LilChickieMomma

    More Mystery Photos

    i know i had already posted on here but i figured another post after my introduction would be good too, this is one of the ‘Black Austrolorps’ my partner got me 😂 i dont think tractor supply realized they gave him this girl but i absolutely love her and named her Mystery. it just seemed fitting...
  6. T

    Help again! What breed is this chick!!

    Same order of rare assortment chicks from mcmurray and this little guy has me confused. Anyone have any ideas?
  7. T

    Help! What breed is this chick!?

    Hi! I ordered chicks from McMurray hatchery and I got the rare breed assortment, it’s always fun figuring out the breeds but some have me stumped, they look like one breed but also look like another! Any ideas?
  8. T

    Help again!! What breed?

    So along with the rare assortment of chicks I got from mcmurray hatchery I also got this lil guy/girl. I thought it might be a jersey giant, but I’m not sure that breed is included in the assortment I ordered, though I could be wrong! Anyone have any ideas?
  9. T

    What chick breed is this??

    I got these chicks in today from McMurray hatchery, I got the rare breed assortment. Does anyone have an idea of what this chick might be?
  10. G

    New Hatchling! Barred Hen x Silkie Mix Roo

    Hi all! My favorite hen passed away three weeks ago so I decided to incubate her eggs left behind. Only one baby made it but to my surprise, instead of being black, white, or blue, the baby is brown? I’m curious to see if anyone else has had a brown chick after crossing a barred hen with a...
  11. Raunak Dahal

    Chicks sex identification.

    Recently we brought 2 chicks that are around 10 - 12 days old and we are not sure about their sexes. Can you identify their sexes by looking at their picture.
  12. Ambera

    First time Chick raiser, Hatch day! Advice on sexing chick (photos)

    Hi, I'm very excited, it's my first time raising chicks! Our friend gave us 6 eggs, 1 has just hatched at around 2 hours ago, and I'm still hopeful for a second hatching today/tomorrow. Our broody hen is only sat on 2 eggs now, 1 looked hopeful when I last candled them a week ago, the other I...
  13. jdmjackie

    What breed is my chick?

    She has an all white body with black feather accents on her neck and tail (excuse the blurriness). p.s. i bought 4 chicks and 2 ducklings at the same time and now they're inseparable!
  14. Fangeddeer

    Meat hens + roo up for trade or rehome (CA)

    Hi, since I’m also doing a free rehome of each individual or all of them, I feel like I could also try trading them off individually. I have 3 Cornish hens and 1 Cornish roo. Photos will be below. im looking for laying females I live in Oakley CA n prefer pickup Free rehome link
  15. Watolf


  16. K

    Buying this 3-4 week old chick. Any ideas on breed or gender?

    Hello! I'm buying this chick its breed and gender is unknown, it's around 3-4 weeks old. Any guesses on gender or breed (more interested in gender as I already have a pilkie cockerel) thanks :)
  17. Birdybathtime

    Chick prolapse

    So I’m pretty sure my chick has a prolapsed vent, she’s about 4 days old and I’ve tried to massage this little bit in, it’s the only part outside and she’s still acting perfectly fine I’m just asking if this might fix itself? Or how to help it back in?
  18. Stellasmomma

    I was told these were Araucana's

    Hello Chicken friends! I picked up these lil ones from my local TSC they were labeled as Araucana's I have not had good luck with getting the breed I thought I was getting this year. I purchased silver laced Sussex and got Black Marans LOL ( I wanted Marans so that turned out well! ) this is...
  19. T

    Help! 4 week old Dutch bantam hen or roo?

    Help! We have two 4 week old Dutch bantams and we are unsure if we have a rooster. The one on the right (the one closest to the camera) is larger and has a comb coming in, aswell as a more grey and white, with darker browns and blacks compared to the other smaller Dutch bantam which is mostly...
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