
  1. fridao

    Broody chicken??

    Hi! I’m a fairly new chicken owner. Still figuring out things and learning more constantly. I do have one chicken that is showing some broody behavior (i have no roosters because they are illegal where i live) She’s been laying in her egg laying box for 2 days now and she isn’t laying on any...
  2. K

    Rooster sudden behavior

  3. Amberfeather


    My Buff Orpington pullet.
  4. Nightfeather


    My hen Nightfeather. I don't know if she's a Jersey Giant or a Black Australorp.
  5. Sunny Potato

    Oldest chicken

    This is the oldest chicken we have, she is 14 years old! Her name is Bubbles Second oldest chicken is Lily at 11 or 12- And then our oldest duck! I think she is like 9 years old now? She is blind in one eye because of our male ducks and she can be very cranky at times but she is doing...
  6. Astrohens

    Injured Leg, Unable To Walk Properly

    One of our hyline brown hens has had their leg injured. I can’t see anything external but she is definitely in pain and is limping, and will usually lie down instead of standing. We don’t want to take her to the vet because of the cost, but is there any way to help her leg at home?
  7. Hen_House04

    Bumble Foot Help!!

    Hey there! First timer for bumble foot and it has this chicken mama in a tizzy!! I’ve soaked and soaked her foot in warm epsom salt for the past 3 days and have been trying to pull the bumble out with a pair of clean tweezers. I’ve sprayed vetrx on it every night and keep it wrapped in guaze to...
  8. Hen_House04

    Skip a day and double the next!

    Hey there! So I have a couple Olive Eggers and a couple Barred Rocks and for some reason one of my Olive Eggers will not lay an egg one day and then lay two eggs the next day. She’s been pretty consistent the past week with skipping and then laying double. They will soon be one and this is...
  9. Sunny Potato

    Some pictures of my birds

    The turkey is named Darth dirpy Duck in snow Her name is Potato<3 This is Chipotle Chicken Chickens can carve pumpkin Turkeys
  10. EasterChickens

    !!Chicken adjusting crop repeatedly and has a hard crop!! (PLEASE HELP!)

    Hello everyone, My 3 year and 4 month old leghorn hen has just been experiencing a hard/solid crop and is repeatedly adjusting her crop (even when she is roosting/sleeping). She is still acting perfectly fine, eating/drinking normally and is active. I'm not so sure about how her poop looks like...
  11. EasterChickens

    Hen with a bloated/enlarging abdomen‼️PLEASE HELP‼️

    Hello everyone, My 3 year and 3 months leghorn hen has been experiencing a bloated abdomen lately. A few days ago, she was egg bound as i saw her pushing, but soon after I didn’t see any egg come out of her and she was fine afterwards. Then I started to see her abdomen looking unusual and big...
  12. Valkirie

    I can take chickens that need homes Littleton, CO

    Hello! I have an acre and a coop with 15 young chickens that are not laying yet. We recently lost 8 due to a predator attack so now would actually be a good time to introduce new ones. Can also take Turkeys and Peacocks If anyone needs to rehome them, I live in Littleton and would be happy to...
  13. AshleyNicole06

    Ducks & Chickens

    Yall, how cute are these?? PENS!!! (They're for sale!!) How exciting!! Let me know which one you like best!! LIKE MY PAGE ON FACEBOOK!! Ashley Nicole Designs
  14. Stellasmomma

    Scaly leg mites?

    Hi Friends! I have attached some photos from my old girl she's my oldest hen at 5 yrs I check out my hens each day just a quick once over and have been looking at Nuggets feet doe this look like scaly leg mites to anyone? If it is I believe its early but early treatment is best! She is not going...
  15. Desertvalleychickens

    Desert Cooping

    Hello everyone, Welcome to Desert Cooping! This is the page for the Desert Valley Chickens! All of the @Desertvalleychickens chooks reside here! 🏠 My Chicken Story: From 2018, chickens have been my passion. My first flock was made up of sussex and white leghorn hens. Sadly, they got killed by...
  16. K

    Chicken Has Bump

    Heyy so yesterday i noticed this bump on my chicken and i don’t know what it is
  17. K

    Orange feathers?

    Hello, I have a three month old gray silky hen. And she recently started growing orange feathers, so I’m a little confused, does that usually happen?? Please let me know!!! Pics below!
  18. Lspears218

    Unicorn Chicken!? My chick has a growth on it’s beak.

    Hello- Recently I have noticed one of my chicks has a growth on its beak. It is hard and feels the same as its beak. Is this normal? Should I be concerned? Any info will help, thank you !
  19. V

    Have a emergency, my little pullet can barely walk, keeps tipping over and more

    To cut straight to the point, I have this little pullet I love dearly, she’s the sweetest chicken I have ever owned so far. Recently however she hasn’t been doing so good, first I realised she’d tip over a bit when walking fast. however now it’s to the point where she can’t even stand up...
  20. Ashleytrym

    Chicken whisperer

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