
  1. M

    Difference in air sac size for the same hatch

    Greetings Peeps! (see what I did there?) I am wondering if some of you may have insight on the air sack size discrepancy between eggs for my current hatch. I am on day 21 of hatching 15 straight run chicken eggs from a friend with a backyard chicken flock. I am using a Hova -Bator circulated...
  2. Everose

    Day 7 Egg Yolks Shifting

    My mother started incubating her duck eggs seven days ago. They're being hand turned 3-4 times a day, and she got them straight from a breeder, no shipping or rough handling besides brushing off the clumped mud and crap. Tonight while candling them she noticed multiple egg yolks were moving from...
  3. R

    Egg candling day 5.. how does it look?

    Hello! I am brand new to hatching eggs using an incubator. I have hatched some previously under a broody hen (which I never candled) but this is my first time using an incubator. Does this duck egg look good to you so far? It’s been almost 5 days in the incubator and they all look similar...
  4. D

    HELP Incubating Duck eggs first time- mama duck was attacked and nest was abandoned

    Hello, I found an abandoned nest of 22 duck eggs. The mom duck was a Muscovy duck, the neighbor who had them in her yard said it probably happened early morning (I found them later in the morning). This is my first time attempting to incubate eggs and I tried to do the candle test but have no...
  5. JoanieShrubs

    Fresh fertile eggs look odd :/

    It’s my first breeding season here in Australia and I’ve been hatching eggs from other breeders, shipped and local. I recently borrowed a Sicilian Buttercup cockerel to put with my three pullets and the breeding pen has been going for a few weeks. The first batch of 12 fertile eggs, well I...
  6. P

    Day 23 candling pics, input needed

    Hi everyone, can you please help me? All others hatched day 21-22 with the hen and she abandoned the nest leaving 6 eggs behind. I candled and kept two. I saw veining in one what I thought was probably an egg that I gave one day later because she refused some eggs after day one. Now it's day 23...
  7. Ankaa

    This is what an egg that is going to explode in a few hours looks like when candled

    I learned the hard way the next morning. Just wanted to get this out here so you can learn from my mistake. I had also candled it about a week before. At that time, it looked very behind in development. 7 days later when I candled it again, the egg had gone completely dark which was a big red...
  8. S

    Is this egg doomed? (photo)

    Duck egg on day 19 (was candling to find a different egg that had gone bad and gotten smelly) I can see movement in the egg, but also noticed those 2 black spots that look like it's going bad. They didn't shift at all when I was turning the egg. This batch of shipped eggs has been the worst...
  9. Pollo Blanco

    There's 28 of them!

    First timer; scrambled to get an incubator together after my wonderful drake Allfather disappeared early Friday morning of the 19th of May 2023. I did a quick check at six days and had three out of three 'starters'. Much to my amazement, I didn't have a 'yolker' until number 25. So, out of 29...
  10. Heartsopenwide

    Candling BCM Eggs...

    We are on day 8. I have hatched twice in an incubator and twice with broody hens. This is our first with such dark eggs. I have a very bright head lamp and it is completely dark. Some I can see through. Some are dark masses. Some look like possibly blood rings. But NONE have veins...I want to...
  11. C

    Update Candling: Dead or Alive?

    Hi this is an updated post to get more insight on this goose egg.. it’s about day 20-23.. it’s still growing from the last I checked 10 days ago but I can’t tell if it’s still good.. please help.. thank you!
  12. Ambshp

    Is this considered blood ring?

    This is my first time incubating. I did let them sit in the incubator for 9 days before my first candling. One of my eggs appears to have a large reddish spot. I don’t see anything else in it but I might be overlooking something.There is no smell or anything. Is this considered a blood ring?
  13. Cloverr39

    When should I candle for the 2nd time?

    I candled on day 4 to get an idea of how many are developing. When should I candle for the 2nd time? I'm incubating silkie chicken eggs.
  14. K

    Incubator spiked to 103 overnight...any hope??

    Hello! I have some of my Rhode Island Red eggs and some Easter egger eggs incubating right now. Yesterday was day 5 and I was so excited so I candled the eggs. They looked great! Today when I woke up I saw the incubator was just over 103 degrees!!! Shocked I opened the lid and candled the eggs...
  15. A

    Day 7 - any hope?

    I bought 18 hatching eggs and picked up locally. I have been incubating them in my nutureright360 at 99.5 with a dry hatch method ranging humidity from 20-30% validated with a salt calibrated hygrometer. One egg had a crack and was discarded on day 5 and so I candled a few eggs on that day to...
  16. K

    Day 23 chicken eggs, I need guidance (picture)

    I have 3 eggs in the incubator on day 23. 3 of the other eggs hatched on day 21, including a maran. 2 still left are marans and the other is a surprise. I can’t see much in the Marans but I do still see veining. Here is a picture of the lighter egg, I’m using a headlamp so the majority of the...
  17. 20221020_111528.jpg


    Muscovy hen (born 03/20/2022) x Silver Appleyard Drake (born 03/20/2022) Hen's first clutch This egg was laid on 10/20/2022 Candled on 10/20/2022 Hen sitting on eggs full-time at night only, unless kept in the run during the day, then hen is sitting all day & night with breaks as needed
  18. 20221020_111517.jpg


    Muscovy hen (born 03/20/2022) x Silver Appleyard Drake (born 03/20/2022) Hen's first clutch This egg was laid on 10/20/2022 Candled on 10/20/2022 Hen sitting on eggs full-time at night only, unless kept in the run during the day, then hen is sitting all day & night with breaks as needed
  19. Egg #24 (Side)

    Egg #24 (Side)

    Muscovy hen (born 03/20/2022) x Silver Appleyard Drake (born 03/20/2022) Hen's first clutch This egg was laid on 10/19/2022 Candled on 10/20/2022 Hen sitting on eggs full-time at night only, unless kept in the run during the day, then hen is sitting all day & night with breaks as needed
  20. Egg #24

    Egg #24

    Muscovy hen (born 03/20/2022) x Silver Appleyard Drake (born 03/20/2022) Hen's first clutch This egg was laid on 10/19/2022 Candled on 10/20/2022 Hen sitting on eggs full-time at night only, unless kept in the run during the day, then hen is sitting all day & night with breaks as needed
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