
  1. Quacking ducks

    Putting brooders in my duck coop?

    And I have been thinking about putting some cages on an inside wall of the duck coop for brooders. I hatch ducklings and chicks in an incubator and then I sale them. Since I am going to sale them, is it a problem if I have them in with my flock? Thank you
  2. K

    Show me your brooders in your coop!

    So I'm planning to convert storage space in my barn (horse barn, a stall sized area) into a coop and build a brooder within this space so that I can raise chicks outside (with a heat plate) instead of in my house. For those who brood chicks in your coops, can you show me pix of your setups...
  3. M

    4 day old ducklings sleeping on top of the warmer plate

    Hi, My 4 day old Pekins and Jumbo Pekins are sleeping on top of the brooder warming plate. They used to sleep under it (my 6 appleyards still are, they are also 4 days old, though smaller) do my bigger ducks just not need the heat? I have it angled for varying heights but they seem to now...
  4. LearninMyFlock

    Outdoor Brooders

    Hello, I'm looking for pics and ideas for outdoor brooders. What are your DIY ideas and pics? I'm looking for cheap but good. Thanks!!! Trying to help my son with learning struggles get started on raising chicks. Thank you for all your help!!
  5. R

    New member - old chicken rancher.

    Hi! Pat from Ranch-coop. We are primarily coop makers (my wife and I). This site has always been a source of wisdom and interest to us, and we've recommended BYC to hundreds of our customers. We currently keep around 30 laying hens on 2 acres. Buff Orpingtons, Columbian Rocks, and various older...
  6. lg2006

    Playpen Brooder Inside the Regular coop

    Hey Guys! I have 4 chicks that are now about 8 weeks old and I want to move them outside so they have more room to grow. I am thinking of constructing a smaller portion inside my run for them to get to know the bigger chickens before putting them all together. After that it could be used to...
  7. 5

    Buff Orpingtons and Production Red

    Less than a week ago I purchased 6 Buff Orpington chicks (Tractor Supply). Three chicks are growing very well and are developing personalities, 2 are growing okay and one is failing to thrive. I put a little dot on her head so I could keep an eye on her, that earned her the name 'Dottie'...
  8. Raising Chicks -- All You Need To Know

    Raising Chicks -- All You Need To Know

    It's spring and chicken lovers everywhere are getting ready to raise new chicks, whether they're bought from stores or raised by a broody hen. It's a very wonderful, fun thing, and I'm getting "chicken fever" (as I call it) since soon I'll be getting a new flock of chicks. Whether you're new or...
  9. Lazy Farmer

    Swimming Pool TRANSITION Brooder

    It's low cost, it's nifty and it's cool! Dollar General had pools on clearance here locally. So we jumped on the opportunity. Added a little left over fence wire from previous projects. We suspended a couple of feeders with bungee cords to discouraged the little dudes from pooing in the feed so...
  10. Wawa Coffee

    My Brooder and Some Questions

    Hi All, I have a few questions as i get ready for my first ever shipment of chicks this week. I was looking for a way to keep their water clean and out of the pine shavings. I hung a nipple about 4" from the ground in an old tonic water bottle. I realize that might be too tall initially so...
  11. horselove

    Ducklings & Poults?

    A friend of mine has 4 ducklings and 1 poult (the only ones that hatched) in a brooder together as the turkey panics when taken away from the ducklings. Are there any health concerns my friend should be aware of?
  12. ChooksChick

    ChooksChick's Hints for Henthusiasts

    Incubation Cheat Sheet Links Chicken Column Feed Recipe Twitter Facebook Hatching Dark Eggs EZ Affordable Heated H2O Keeping Flocks Cool Ordinance Info Hatching Eggs Sales Illness Cheat Sheet First Flock Zombie Hens Dealing...
  13. Coop DeVille Brooder Box

    Coop DeVille Brooder Box

    Brooder Box Brooder box that was built by my dad. Took one afternoon to build. Made from recycled materials. Based on a simple design. Will add height, width and depth measurements at a later edit. Photos: Main box design. With lid and heat lamp unit attached. Feeder and water...
  14. My "Second Stage" Brooder

    My "Second Stage" Brooder

    I got my girls before I built this brooder, so I used a cardboard box for their brooder when I first brought them home as three day old chicks in early November. However, I knew I was going to need something larger and more sturdy for them than a cardboard box, as they were going to need to be...
  15. tweetysvoice

    Brooder From A Small Animal Cage

    Here is the new brooder that I have set up for the babies that are arriving soon! This was originally a rat cage. I removed the shelving and added cardboard around the sides to both keep the litter and heat inside. I have pine shavings under the paper towels and will remove the paper towels...
  16. Chick Inn Brooder

    Chick Inn Brooder

    The Chick-Inn Brooder & Maternity Ward Purchased Material List: (2) Porcelain light fixtures (1 with pull cord) @ $2.99 & $4.89 (1) 6' Grounded Extension Cord @ $5.99 (1) Dimmer Switch @ $4.89 (3) Sliding locks @ $2.99 each (2) Eye and Hook locks @ $2.49 each...
  17. Encorepistols Chicken Brooder

    Encorepistols Chicken Brooder

    My home made double stacked Brooder: materials used 1: 2 sheets osb 4'x8'x7/16" 2: 4- 2"x2"x8' 3: 4- 2"x4"x8' 4: 2- porcelain light fixtures ( already had) 5: 2 metal electric boxes (already had) 6: 1 nail on outlet box 7: 2 wafer thermostat and switch assemblies 8: 2 sheets 1" blue board...
  18. Chicks Like Garden Benches

    Chicks Like Garden Benches

    Chicks Love Garden Benches 3/20/10 Here is a garden bench we made in about an hour, without having to purchase anything. Actually, it took me about an hour to clean it off, and an hour to build it. The DH built me the bench when we first moved into the house, and the hardware cloth was...
  19. Ladyinreds Chicken Brooder

    Ladyinreds Chicken Brooder

    Hello! Here is my brooder, it sits inside my coop. I figured when I was building one I may as well make one big enough for a few of my grown silkies for when I want eggs from certain hen and rooster combinations. It is 8 feet long 3 1/2 foot wide and at its highest 4 foot tall. The top is built...
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