breathing difficulties

  1. L

    Choanal Slit.. completely gone?

    I have searched on Google and used all sorts of phrases to try to describe this. Anyone know what can cause this ? It might have been a birth defect but my rooster is having trouble breathing - he gapes which we thought ( and treated for ) was gape worm. He never had this issue before and is...
  2. Laydeau

    Really need advice- pup got a pullet

    Last night before locking my flock up (they free range during the day and put themselves up at night i just lock the door) my pup decided to go after one. I have her in the house nice, warm and comfy in a tote. She's been drinking water all day. I have given electrolytes and found some remedies...
  3. H

    hen gasping for air

    My hen which is about 5-6 years old is gasping for air. This has been going on for a few days and was bad in the morning and cleared with warmer temperature, but now is all day. It is around freezing temperature now. She is not eating or drinking at all and has bad breath. Her crop is empty. I...
  4. Q

    Breathing problems

    hello! I‘ve got a question. One of my new hens (about 7 mths old) was fine today, playing with her sister. In the evening when i went to check on them, she was sneezing and shaking her head like crazy. I took her inside and let her inhale some camomile tea... this was a few hours ago.. since...
  5. Eltopo

    My rooster gasps for air!

    Generally speaking, my chickens live a pretty healthy life and are free to roam around every weekend, but today I faced this very unusual situation. The eldest of my roosters (which may be 3 or 4 years old) is having trouble breathing, it sounds whistle-y and watery, as if the had some kind of...
  6. ChickenTenderKesha

    Not sure what to label this, rooster help?

    I’ve been talking with my vet regarding Ori here and his issue with breathing. They are doing the same thing I’m doing here with this post, asking advice from people more knowledgeable than they are. I’ve included the same photos I have sent to the vet, with a few additional from last night...
  7. WildCHILD400

    What is this!??!

    Can someone please tell me why my 3 month old chicken does this. Its been about a week now. It is getting over cocciadstat and this breathing is getting progressively worse.
  8. thiggins

    My Red is dying?!!?

    What is wrong with Red?!!? I tried to take a video, it won’t allow me to load it. She’s basically gasping for air. Kinda like agonal breathing but she’s still active and alive. Sounds like bronchitis but no discharge from eyes or beak. She’s 5 years old. She has been staying in the coop...
  9. B

    Sour Crop

    Hey Everyone, I seem to have bad luck with my hens. Once again, I need this amazing community to help me save one of my girls. Jenny is 1 1/2 old and has some troubling symptoms. I'm sure she has sour crop as her crop is swollen and feels like a water balloon. Its warm to the touch and...
  10. chickmamat

    2wk old chick/ lethargic not growing

    I have a two week old chick that is growing at a third of the rate as the rest. She’s still almost the same size as when she hatched, but her wing feathers have been growing in. Breathing is slightly labored and there is sometimes a clicking sound. She only sleeps standing up. Will eat and...
  11. Floofinbird

    Chicken wheezing, water in crop

    Woke up this morning to go to work and Nugget was breathing hard enough that I could hear it through the open second story window. She's about a year old, Easter egger, and she feels like her regular weight. Still has the energy to try and evade capture, but not enough to actually book it. Eyes...
  12. A

    Duckling unusual breathing

    My 3 1/2 weeks duckling has been sneezing a lot and has some kind of breathing difficulty, is it something I should be concerned about? I recorded it while breathing Please listen to it's breathing
  13. GoldiLaced

    Will rinsing my chicks' eyes with saline help clear their sinuses?

    I heard recently that putting some saline solution on/in their eyes can help clear their sinuses. Is this true? And are there any other ways I can help them breathe better?
  14. jsroxz

    Baby duck possibly ill? Please give advice!

    So... I have been lurking on this site for quite some time throughout the 12 days i’ve owned ducklings. I am definitely one to freak out at the smallest sign of illness or issue in my animals- and I have SO MANY questions. Bare with me while i give some background but for now, i’m going to try...
  15. H

    Splayed leg survivor acting very strange

    Can you tell me what this is all about? I'm at a loss. One of my quail chicks had splayed legs on day 1. Bandaged them like I've done to many other birds in the past. He is now 7 days old. Splayed legs are fixed. Eats, drinks, poops fine. Hangs out and naps with the others fine BUT his...
  16. V

    Wheezing and difficulty breathing

    This early morning my chook was gasping and trying to get air. I’m thinking it is something in her throat rather than lungs. There is no excess mucus. She seemed a bit panicked, which could have made it worse. I syringed some vitamin berocca water into her as she looks a little dehydrated. She...
  17. T

    Respiratory Issues?

    Winter: perhaps the time for chicken colds that just stick around?? So I have a fairly young rock barred hen who has been sort of 'gasp breathing' for the past few weeks. There has been no sneezing, coughing, discharge, swelling...When she inhales her lower waddle rises up like she’s reaching to...
  18. GoldenPeep

    swollen leg, loss of balance, breathing issues, odd behavior, etc

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Buff Brahma, almost 7, don't know weight, seems a little lighter 2) What is the behavior, exactly. (Also symptoms and other possible factors) -One leg swollen -Recovering from scaly leg...
  19. Maryam.

    Breathing issues

    Hi again, My duck Daisy, is an almost 2year old layer rouen which i posted about her symptoms a few months ago. She used to breathe heavily with wheezing sound and sneezed. I gave her enrofloxacin , she was better then again those symptoms started and i’ve been told to give her antibiotics...
  20. ajesus92

    Silkie trouble breathing

    hello I have a silkie that is having trouble breathing. I can’t afford to take her to the vet until next week but I fear she won’t make it. I have read online and through friends tried different thing. I bought VetRX which work at first but then nothing. Second I bought oxine(ah) and put it as a...
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