breathing difficulties

  1. S

    Mouth breathing chicken not heat related

    Hi all, I have a one year hen who has been mouth breathing constantly. At first we thought it was heat related but she mouth breaths all day and night and the weather has been in the 70s. Her comb is maybe slightly paler than normal but she has been eating, drinking, sleeping, laying eggs and...
  2. L

    Mystery illness?

    I got my chickens in the beginning of May and after a few days, I noticed one of them was breathing strangely. I contacted the woman who I bought them from and she said it was most likely a respiratory infection. I treated them all with antibiotics for 10 days but nothing seemed to change. I...
  3. N

    New to raising and seeking help.

    I got 5 isa brown chicks and 1 rhode island red chicken on Sunday at 4-5 days old making them 8-9 days old today. I am concerned about 3 of my chicks. Two of my isa browns are shaking their heads a lot and I'm not sure if I should be concerned. My other concern is that my rhode island red chick...
  4. L

    3 day old chick is sick!!!

    We just hatched out 3 baby chicks and one of the chicks was a little slow with learning to walk. It walks backward more that it does forward and it keeps falling on its back and laying there; it cant get up on its own. It also has had labored breathing and it kind of just lays around. Today I...
  5. ECrow

    Is my hen having breathing difficulties from old age or is she sick?

    I have a Buff Orpington hen who will be ten years old this spring and I'm beginning to grow concerned about her health. She is still fairly agile - she'll come for foods, follow me around, occasionally bully the younger hens - but some days it sounds like she has breathing issues. I can hear her...
  6. TheAlrightyGina

    Cochin with recurring respiratory issues

    Good morning BYC fam! I have something I thought I might run by y'all in case I'm missing something. I have a lovely White Cochin named GoGo Boots, sweet as she could be. When GoGo was a few days old, she got real sick, but I was able to nurse her back to health with egg and...
  7. kaperi

    Rattle breathing Hen that won't eat

    Hi there, i'm asking for your help. One of my Creamlegbar girls (named Plume, which translates fro Feather in french) she stopped laying for a couple days before I noticed. Then she seemed sick (wouldn't get out in the morning, etc) so I brought her inside. Noticed she wasn't eating or drinking...
  8. V

    Lethargic hen

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for a bit of advice as one of my rescue hens has been on off looking under the weather. We've had her since January and up until around October she was doing well. She has seen a vet a few times since then but we are not within an area that has a specialist that deals...
  9. F

    Hen Sneezing really hard! NEED HELP!! ASAP!!

    My hen, 1.5 year old named Meenu, is sick. She was totally fine a couple of days ago. Suddenly, she started having swollen sinuses, which got normal on their own. But her flu like situation stayed. Took her to vet yesterday who gave her Enrofloxacin. But before I could start it, she became...
  10. Fn87

    Chicken is making rattling noises when she breathes - Help!

    Hello all! I am having quite a few issues currently with the health of one of my chickens. She must have been recently attacked by a hawk or something because I found her hunched over in the corner of my coop with a wound in her back. This is going to sound a bit crazy but she has also lost all...
  11. fudgethechicken

    Chicken Struggling to Breathe?

    One of my young hens is making a funky noise every time she breathes and is pale, lethargic, and has a loss of appetite (sorta she did eat a few bites of feed and a piece of soggy bread to eliminate the chance of something being stuck in her throat). We brought her in the house (im in phoenix...
  12. A

    A week old duckling opening mouth

    My 1 week duckling has this strange problem where he continously opens his mouth with head up. Any idea what is problem and how it can be resolved? Video link
  13. sziemba

    Chickens Having Breathing Problems Over Last Few Weeks, new symptoms, please help!

    Over the past month it seems my flock has been having a lot of health problems. My fat hen(2yo Barred rock), sorry sweetie, started having breathing problems, showing some of the signs of gapeworm. So, I the did the first round of treatment for both my hens and chicks(14 weeks) for gapeworm...
  14. ajesus92

    Need help (chicken heavy breathing)

    Hello it’s been a while since I last log in here. Well I was at a farm that sale a lot of chicken but I notice one in the corner of my eye that was alone. She was stuck in mud and look dead. Upon further investigating I notice she was still alive and ask that owner of the store if I could buy...
  15. N

    Chicks sneezing and heavy breathing

    I'm new to chickens and have 5 one week old chicks. They have been sneezing a bit since I got them but two of them are sneezing more than the rest and scratching their faces. They are also breathing with their mouths open a bit when they are about to go to sleep. I noticed them doing this when I...
  16. Helpmehelpmychickens

    Please help I found my hen bloodied in the coop, alive but not moving!

    Hello everyone! I am extremely new to this so I need all the help I can get. My boyfriend and I recently moved to a farm owned by my boyfriends parents. They have a coop with chickens and ducks. We have been slowly learning how to take care of them (a man who took care of the land was in charge...
  17. micknapp

    Respiratory symptoms that come & go??

    Hi all, I’m new to owning chickens and i have flock of ten (10) five week old (5) pullets. Recently i noticed a chick in the back of the brooder opening her beak to breathe, breathing very heavy, sneezing (no nasal discharge, or discharge from the eyes, or discharge coming from anywhere). I...
  18. KaleDaDuck

    Reupload: My baby chick is seriously sick.. Please reply.

    I have 3 baby quails that are 2 weeks old i moved them from thier brooder yesterday and put them in my kitchen in a dog crate.. And two of the quails are seriously sick.. They all eat and drink very good but one of the quails is sneezing his feathers are looking weirs.. He doesn't run and he...
  19. DatCrazyChickenLady

    Chicken attacked by dog, eye and neck injury. Breathing weird. Help!

    Hello! Today we were throwing some scraps to the chickens and the dog got a piece of food. One of the hens, Rosa, got too close and my dog attacked her. She is about a year old hen of the Isa Brown breed. She is currently in a cage in a warm, quiet bathroom in the basement. She is wrapped in...
  20. MistyDF

    Chicken Breathing Issue

    👋 I have a 3y RIR that has been fine until this evening. There is nothing I can find or see or hear but she is fluffed up and has some odd breathing going on. *My flock is small 7 *They are more pets that anything *There are no vets here *In Indiana any thoughts? video...
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