
  1. Crazyforbantams

    Make a meme out of your Bird

    I hope I'm not the only one to do this, but the birds are so funny with their great personalities and expressions. I find that I'm always thinking of funny quotes when I look at pictures of them. I wanted to start a thread for comical pictures and memes of your little feathered friend's so I can...
  2. Quackers3211

    Post Pictures Of Your Birds!!!

    I for one love to show people Pictures of my amazing Brids so I figure why not start a thread where everyone can show off their Birds!!! :ya:wee:clap
  3. katiekate88

    In need of advise!

    I Have 4 ducklings (ive had since they hatched) They are 1 month old on 5/10/18. I just tried switching them to wood shavings (larger sized shavings ) from hay and of course they attempted to eat it possibly some smaller pieces but I removed them and put hay over the top of the shavings in hopes...
  4. Lazy Farmer

    Mobile Bird Nest

    Not really sure where to share this but this is where it landed. Went into town today to pick up some grain with our trusty Farm Vehicle. I kept hearing a chirping sound while I was parked under some trees. Our Farm beater has some serious miles on it so we make it a point to check the oil...
  5. faylinnc

    April the black Swedish duck UPDATE: still worried?

    I very recently started a thread about my year and a half old black Swedish, April. She was having some problems with her poop and she was passing on these weird rubbery leathery white hollow looking things. I received a lot of suggestions and answers, so thank you so much for all of the...
  6. faylinnc

    Please Help! My female Black Swedish duck is acting weird!

    My year and a half old female black Swedish duck started to get really quiet and she is having these really weird poops. A picture of one of her recent poops is shown above. Their white and rubbery and some liquid comes out of her but the main part is the weird rubbery white part. I don’t know...
  7. AshleyNicole06


    Do crowns kill/hurt ducks? I saw a huge one in the yard this morning..
  8. Silver Sebright

    What chickens can live in a hot environment?

    Me and my Dad are looking to get new exotic types of chickens and we want to make sure that they can live in a hot environment like Florida. Do you any of you guys know some chickens that would be easy to raise in this kind of environment.
  9. M


    Hi my name is Macie aka Meow-Bawk. I dont have and chickens right now but i plan on trying to convince my parents (i have 2 cats). My neighbor Frank has 2 chickens already and i go over there every other day to feed water and talk to them (dont judge me every one gets lonely). I discovered this...
  10. VolailleAmant

    Best For Show

    What would be better to do to obtain good show birds....Buying from a local breeder, or ordering from hatchery? I like doing both, but night sure would be best. I hear....and for me it is true....That raising chicks, you "bond" better than older birds. What is your opinion, thoughts, or advice...
  11. rakers

    How do I keep wild birds out of my run?

    Hi All, I'm a longtime member but haven't posted in years. I have a problem that I hope you can help me with. Over the past year wild birds have been getting into our chicken run - they eat the chicken feed and drink the water (and poop in it). There are enough of them that they end up eating...
  12. Just Hatch duck

    Mice Problem...

    Hi, im in urgent need of help, i had 4 cockatiels all well and happy and thought they might be happier in a more jungly feel so hung their cages side by side on my fence that grows many plants and has ivory on it so its a nice feature for them. Lately I've been seeing quite a few mice whenever i...
  13. J

    I Love All Feathered Creatures

    One of my first pets as a child was a big white rooster who used to follow me around and peck my ankles wanting me to pick him up and love him. My most recent little feathered friends were two lovely Gouldian Finches who lived for 5 and 7 years respectively and who are now gone and are resting...
  14. Master Quaillius

    What are the types of houseplants that birds can eat?

    Just wanted to know the types of plants that generally birds can eat.
  15. CrowHollowFarm

    Pair of Otto Meyer Trenton Pigeons

    I have a nice pair of Trenton pigeons. They are from a local breeder that got his birds from Otto Meyer himself. He has kept this line true through the years and kept breeding books to show it. I am asking $30 for the pair picked up here in Va, zip 22827. Thanks
  16. Smuvers Farm

    Recommended Bird(s) for 8 Year Old

    My 8 year old son has recently been around my moms pair of cockatiels daily for about 3 months. Her birds are aged 11 y/o and about 2.5 y/o. She has raised the 11 y/o from baby and the 2.5 y/o since he was 6 months old. Neither of them are friendly AT ALL, which has kind of scared me off...
  17. Tapioca

    Would anyone be interested in a short survey about your backyard poultry?

    For my agricultural marketing class I am required to survey 10 people about a topic of my choice. If anyone's interested, please answer the following and help me make a good grade! Thank you so much! Survey on Free-Ranged Domestic Poultry 1.Do you own poultry or have experience with them...
  18. L

    Favorite Breeds of Birds?

    Hi! Just out of curiosity, I decided to start this thread. What are your favorite breeds for chickens? Any breeds are fine, bantams or standards. You can also say what your favorite breeds are for other birds, such as ducks, pheasants, turkeys, quail, etc. Just make sure you clarify that they're...
  19. Saint_ Marwenne_Chickens

    ~A Cry Of War ~ A Fang Of Pain ~ Cheetah RP ~ Story Page

    This is the story page, if you wish to add a character or chat, please use this page: Current characters:
  20. RiverStorm

    ~A Cry Of War, A Fang Of Pain~ A Cheetah RP

    Please Read First will be followed and that I have read and understood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games forum. B) I promise that all content is to be rated G and suitable for all ages. C) I promise that there will be no swearing, cursing (including censoring by...
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