~A Cry Of War, A Fang Of Pain~ A Cheetah RP



5 Years
Apr 3, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
Please Read First
will be followed and that I have read and understood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games forum.
B) I promise that all content is to be rated G and suitable for all ages.
C) I promise that there will be no swearing, cursing (including censoring by using symbols) or inappropriate adult sexual activity or innuendo. This extends to mating, breeding or innuendo in non-human characters as well.
D) I promise to treat others with respect and kindness as is the BYC way.
I promise not to post any material that is a violation of copyright. Basically this means: if you didn't create the content (like an image / picture) and don't have direct permission from the content creator to post it, then don't.

More rules
What I say go`s
If there is a argument between players do it in PMs


What you can play as
Cheetahs, Hyenas, Lions, Leopards, Birds of the African Savannah, African Wild dogs, and Baboons

Cheetahs are good, They follow the Code. They have many pelt colors though all have black spots. They live in True pride. Cheetahs are kind, nice, loyal, brave, animals. They are on the "Brave side" the good side. They are the leaders of the good side "Brave side".

Hyenas are just out right evil, They do not follow the code and they think killing is fun. they have dark brown pelts with spots. they live in Death clan. they are on the "Fang side" the evil side. they lead the evil side "Fang side".

Lions are bad. They live in Fierce pride. they have Tawny, White, Or black pelts. They are on the "Fang side".

African Wild dogs
Wild dogs are good. their pelts are Black white and red patched. They are on Brave side. they live in Storm pack.

Leopards are good. they are on the Brave side. Leopards have Tawny pelts with black spots. they live in Shadow pride.

Baboons are evil and cruel. they have brown pelts. They are on Fang Side. They live in Demon Troop.

Birds are all the way good. They are prophets of Creator. They live in Sun Flock.

The sides

Brave side
Brave side is all the way good. they are Cheetahs , wild dogs, and Leopards. Their leaders are Cheetahs. They fight for the good.

Fang side
Fang side`s leaders are Hyenas. They are evil, they do not follow the code and kill and murder for fun. They are why the war started. They are Hyenas, Lions, and Baboons. they think all of Brave side should die.

They all believe in Creator. Birds are prophets.

Pack, Clan, troop, and pride Ranks (In rank)

There is a leader and if that leader has a mate there can be two leaders. They lead their Pack, Clan, Troop, or pride. they are always called by their first name then their name ends in "Leader" (Blue leader, Snow leader ect ect) they can be challenged if so the one who became leader fights if she/he wins nothing changes if he/she loses he/she and his/her mate become hunters. only Cubs eat before them.

there is one beta. After both leaders die the beta will become leader same as leaders for challenges, and if the beta has a mate his or her mate they both become leaders. they are second highest ranked. are always called by their name then "Beta". he/she eats next

Lead hunter
There is one Him/her leads the hunts. always called by their name. he/she eats next.

there is no limit in hunters. They hunt. always called by their name. they eat next in rank.

Lead guard
There is one. He/she is the leader of the guards. always called by their name. he/she eats next.

There is no limit in Guards. They guard and patrol the territory. they eat next. always called by their name.

They are the young. There is no limit. they are cubs until 10 full moons. they eat first. they are called by their name.

only one. he/she eats last. they are always called "Omega".


The Code
The code says do not kill for fun, you must have a reason.

Please do natural names

~ Snow leader snarled running through the battle this was the first. The cheetah had never seen so much hate and evil. Time a young she cheetah was before her and Time fell Snow leader stopped "Time? Young Time are you okay?" She asked Time looked up at her "....Help....." she whimpered then she was dead Snow leader stood shocked slowly she bared her fangs anger rushed through her she must revenge Time she must "Brave side fight!!!!" ~

(There will be more this is just the first)
The River will roar an eagle will soar
A War will be
Snow will fall
A Howl will come
The Snarl will fade
And Blood will burn for blood

Form to join
Age (In full moons):
Mate/Crush (Please say which):

Last edited:
Name: River
Age (In full moons): 11
Species: cheetah
Gender: female
Rank: Beta
Personality: very loyal, brave, butt head, sarcastic, can be cold, nice
History: normal for now
Looks: Silver fur with black spots, amber eyes, huge she cheetah, long white fangs, round ears
Parents: Dead
Siblings: Night (Brother alive) Blue (Brother alive)
Mate/Crush (Please say which): none
Cubs: none
Other: Prophecy, will kill snarl leader of Hyenas. will become leader after Snow leader dies
Username: @RiverStorm
Last edited:
Name: Stone
Age (in full moons): 7
Species: cheetah
Gender: male
Rank: cub
Personality: fun, happy, always excited, but can be dead serious about things.
History: he was orphaned at 4 moons old. He and his siblings found the cheetah pack soon after.
Parents: unknown.
Siblings: two sisters, savanna & willow (will get them later)
Mate/crush: none
Cubs: none
Other: dreams of becoming leader one day.
Username: @FrankieDoodle

(Is this okay? I've never been in a role play, so I don't know)
Last edited:
Name: Jacob
Age (in full moons): 7
Species: cheetah
Gender: male
Rank: cub
Personality: fun, happy, always excited, but can be dead serious about things.
History: he was orphaned at 4 moons old. He and his siblings found the cheetah pack soon after.
Parents: unknown.
Siblings: two sisters, leia & lorlei (will get them later)
Mate/crush: none
Cubs: none
Other: dreams of becoming leader one day.
Username: @FrankieDoodle

(Is this okay? I've never been in a role play, so I don't know)
Very nice! accepted! but from now on can we please do natural names? I`m adding that now.)
Name: Stone
Age (in full moons): 7
Species: cheetah
Gender: male
Rank: cub
Personality: fun, happy, always excited, but can be dead serious about things.
History: he was orphaned at 4 moons old. He and his siblings found the cheetah pack soon after.
Parents: unknown.
Siblings: two sisters, savanna & willow (will get them later)
Mate/crush: none
Cubs: none
Other: dreams of becoming leader one day.
Username: @FrankieDoodle

(Is this okay? I've never been in a role play, so I don't know)
(Very good!)

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