barred plymouth rock

  1. 4sillymonkies

    Could this be a mix?

    I purchased this as a barred Plymouth Rock at my local supply store in May. But as I’m looking at her, her legs are not completely yellow but have a grey/green line down the front. Is she a true BPR or is she a mix?
  2. S

    Barred Plymouth Rock Chicks

    Are these two week old chicks boys or girls? We honestly don’t have a clue, though their behaviour has been very bold.
  3. kallyhenry

    Barred PLymouth Rock day old chicks

    Hi, wonder if you lovely guys would be able to help me sex these little guys, thanks in advance, am stumped - its not as clear cut as I thought lol
  4. Crazy Pet Lady

    Chickies get their first treat!

    Gave the 2 week olds a tasty treat today. HOLY COW they got excited over meal worms! My dog LOVES these birds. He gets upset when they're not with him and are in the brooder. He has to check on them ;) Best decision ever, to start a backyard flock. After snack time, everyone got to preening and...
  5. oldcircusbread


    I'm new, so per the registration instructions, here are my answers: (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We just bought a coop and were readying to buy chickens (we wanted heritage breeds and are finding most hatcheries are marketing as heritage but they aren't really...
  6. 20200115_154400.jpg


    Barred Plymouth Rock - Henni aka Henrietta. She's a very sweet and gentle girl that will fly up and land on my shoulder to get some quality one on one time without having to compete for it. She's at the bottom of the pecking order.
  7. H

    Choking Hen! Help!

    Hi all, I just had a massive scare. My 1.5 year old Barred Plymouth Rock hen, Tilly, just started choking. I was bringing them in from their pen and I left her in the coop to go bring in two of her sisters. I come back and she has her beak wide open, trying to gasp. I pick her up and stick my...
  8. kristeninprogress

    The Flower Flock

    I thought it would be interesting to keep progress pictures of my chicks, since A.) I'm obsessed with everything they do, and B.) I'm curious about how my Easter Eggers will change. :D I bought the first four flower girls 4 weeks ago, and the second group 2 weeks ago. Excuse the double...
  9. P

    Barred Plymouth rock...pullet or roo?

    I have two barred rocks. They are 6 weeks old.
  10. HendricksonHomestead

    Egg Laying Issues

    I got 3 one year old laying hens (1 RIR, 1 barred rock, 1 isa brown) at the end of June from someone rehoming them. They were all laying one egg a day consistently right away for about two weeks. Then all of a sudden the barred rock and isa brown stopped laying completely. I didn't know if it...
  11. H

    Chicken Show Help!

    Hi all! I wasn't sure what what category to put this thread in so I just put it in this one. I'm interested in entering one or two of my hens in a poultry show. They are both very beautiful and have the right temperaments for it, I think. They are a Buff Brahma and a Lavender Orpington. I have...
  12. JaimeP

    Barred rock-pullets?

    Just wanted your expertise on my two 10 week old barred rock babies. I’m thinking they are both pullets. Love to hear your thoughts! Thanks in advance!
  13. B99C6C61-2B5A-49BF-A029-982D2D4941BA


    Blurry images of chicks. They wouldn’t stay still and they didn’t like the flash. Oops. Does anyone want to guess as to what any of these chicks breeds are?
  14. Farmgirl1228

    How Much Should I Price 6 Month Old Pullets At??

    I have about 60 chicks of a few various breeds(Brown Leghorn, White Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, Barred Plymouth Rock, Gold Laced and Silver Laced Wyandotte) that I will be selling in a few months(in the spring) as 6 month old pullets and I don't know what to price them at. Everyone, except the...
  15. VyeFye


    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am brand spanking new to chickens. I have two pullets that are almost 6 weeks old and 3 chicks that are a week old. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 5. See also, not enough. (3) What breeds do you have? I have a...
  16. katielovinlife

    Can't tell if I have 2 males, Barred Plymouth Rock and Australorp

    Hi. I'm new to chicken everything and I am worried I may have 2 males. My first question is, do you think they are males? Second, if they are what should I do? They are almost a few months old and I am allowed 2 roosters by law but I only wanted eggs and am worried they'll cause unnecessary...
  17. C

    Liquid poo, and no eggs.

    Hello! I'm a mum of a rooster and a hen, they are both about 6-7 months old now- But this isn't about the rooster! The hen is a barred Plymouth rock and she has been pooping liquid a lot more often now, is it cause shes about to lay a egg? She hasn't laid a egg before all this behavior, shes...
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