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  1. horsekeeper

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Check out Central Bridge Farm Swap on Facebook. Somebody is always selling pullets. I think the next swap is May 21st and you might find some there.
  2. horsekeeper

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    My daughter has bantams. I will ask her if she is ready to part with any of them.
  3. horsekeeper

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    When I was reading the list of essential businesses and services all agricultural suppliers and farm businesses were exempt from closure.
  4. horsekeeper

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I went out yesterday and got two weeks of chicken feed hoping to get ahead of any problems with supply. Pretty scary. Our local feed mill shut down last week for reasons unrelated to the virus scare. They have been planning for months to sell to another company and last week was their...
  5. horsekeeper

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Glad to hear you are doing okay after such a long silence. Valley Vet carries Denosyl.
  6. horsekeeper

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Not very close, but I know where you are and have been to Ithaca a few times. Welcome to the NY thread. What kind of chickens do you have?
  7. horsekeeper

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    What is it that you are looking for? I have some 4 month old mixed breed and naked necks and year old Jersey Giants. And a bazillion Muscovy ducks that hatched this year.
  8. horsekeeper

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Yes they are :)
  9. horsekeeper

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Is anyone looking for muscovy ducks or naked neck (turken) chickens. I have a large excess.
  10. horsekeeper

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    To me it looks like a nice healthy hen with a good size comb. The hackle and saddle feathers look rounded in the picture, like a hen would have. Is she really crowing, or just squawking because it is morning and it's time for everyone to wake up? :)
  11. horsekeeper

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    The length of the saddle feathers varies from bird to bird and with breed, but the pointy part is what makes a rooster. Sometimes it is hard to tell from comb and wattles, but the saddle feathers are a good indicator.
  12. horsekeeper

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    You can tell hens from roosters by the saddle feathers.
  13. horsekeeper

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    My daughter bought 50 feet of 30" yard wire (1x2 openings) and re-rod fence posts to contain her poultry. The wire was around $30 and the posts are about $2 each. Not so expensive and very easy to move around. She fastens the fence with zip ties and moves it around to keep the ground fresh.
  14. horsekeeper

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Between selling off most of the pullets this spring, the fox, and a few deaths from old age, I think I have about 10 mature hens left.
  15. horsekeeper

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I have 7 mature roosters who get along okay. Once in a while there is a minor scuffle, but nothing serious. They all free range together and watch over the flock as a group.
  16. horsekeeper

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I would be interested. A fox got my old bantam rooster who was the patriarch of the littles flock. Fox have been dispatched, so no worries about them.
  17. horsekeeper

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I was at Tractor Supply on Wednesday with my daughter to get some ducklings. Now I wish I had looked more closely at the "leghorn" tub. :lau
  18. horsekeeper

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Well, Rancher, I find that I work more since I retired than when I was working. :lau Then there are two regular gardens, a raised bed, flower bed and a new raspberry trellis to work on. Hatching chicks for myself and my daughter, selling or processing culls, and repairing all the coop and...
  19. horsekeeper

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Does anyone have Rouen, Welsh Harlequin or Appleyard ducks?
  20. horsekeeper

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    This works:
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