NY chicken lover!!!!

boskelli, Thanks for letting me know. I DID NOT KNOW. We were
able to return the non laying chickens ...no problem. Today we
tried again....from a different person...we got 2 RIR and one Easter
Egger. Keep you posted. boskelli, which hatheries do you recommend? Thanks again, Aria

Aria, where are you finding chickens around here? I look periodically on FB or craigslist but never seem to have luck...not looking at this moment but would be nice to know. Has anyone ever gone to King's Auction in West Winfield? I've heard it's actually pretty decent.
What is it that you are looking for? I have some 4 month old mixed breed and naked necks and year old Jersey Giants. And a bazillion Muscovy ducks that hatched this year.
Not looking right now (sorry, I would probably be interested if I were) - actually trying to figure out how to trade out a couple new medium layers for large/xlarge but we'll probably wait til spring now. :)
boskelli, Thanks for letting me know. I DID NOT KNOW. We were
able to return the non laying chickens ...no problem. Today we
tried again....from a different person...we got 2 RIR and one Easter
Egger. Keep you posted. boskelli, which hatheries do you recommend? Thanks again, Aria
There are quite a few hatcheries that do this - McMurray, Cackle, Meyer to name 3. If you have a TSC near you they can order started pullets for you, not sure how many you have to order but it is usually 6.
They will of course cost more than chicks, but at least you know what you are getting. :)
@ Piper Jane I'm not a fan of auctions for the simple reasons of health issues.
You can't tell if a bird has MG, Mareks, LL or some other nasty that they will pass along.
Although all responsible owners do the 30 day quarantine, the above mentioned diseases don'r recognize quarantine periods and can rear their ugly heads about anytime they like....:(
There are quite a few hatcheries that do this - McMurray, Cackle, Meyer to name 3. If you have a TSC near you they can order started pullets for you, not sure how many you have to order but it is usually 6.
They will of course cost more than chicks, but at least you know what you are getting. :)
@ Piper Jane I'm not a fan of auctions for the simple reasons of health issues.
You can't tell if a bird has MG, Mareks, LL or some other nasty that they will pass along.
Although all responsible owners do the 30 day quarantine, the above mentioned diseases don'r recognize quarantine periods and can rear their ugly heads about anytime they like....:(

That's my worry.....we've had SUCH good luck health wise with our girls, would hate to jeopardize that.
Aria, where are you finding chickens around here? I look periodically on FB or craigslist but never seem to have luck...not looking at this moment but would be nice to know. Has anyone ever gone to King's Auction in West Winfield? I've heard it's actually pretty decent.
PiperJane, We told our neighbor we were looking and he gave us
the contact on CL and when we called the woman said they were
all gone. I talked to her she said she would save 3 for me. One is
17 weeks, Easter Egger and 2 are RIR l year old. And the other person who is coming Today is taking all of the chickens advertised.
That was my next search at King's....here they are fine and they
have animal auctions. Hope this helps. Aria
Thanks, I guess I have to check CL more often, every time I look, nothing (or old girls that are past "prime" laying). Nice that the woman saved you a couple....our RIR's are laying bigger than jumbo size right now! WOW! I may go to the next auction just to get a look-see....I haven't heard anything bad but always afraid of parasites and diseases. We shall see!
Thanks, I guess I have to check CL more often, every time I look, nothing (or old girls that are past "prime" laying). Nice that the woman saved you a couple....our RIR's are laying bigger than jumbo size right now! WOW! I may go to the next auction just to get a look-see....I haven't heard anything bad but always afraid of parasites and diseases. We shall see!
PiperJane, King's has chickens of his own. He may have some for sale or certainly KNOWS someone who does. He is a NICE person.
....and everyone speaks highly of his Auctions. Aria
Thanks Aria, I know you can bring chickens there to sell as well, we may do that with our medium layers in hopes they go to a good home. ;) We'll see, we're waiting to see if by chance they get a little bigger first! I've heard nothing bad about King's. I'm looking forward to checking it out.
Thanks Aria, I know you can bring chickens there to sell as well, we may do that with our medium layers in hopes they go to a good home. ;) We'll see, we're waiting to see if by chance they get a little bigger first! I've heard nothing bad about King's. I'm looking forward to checking it out.
PiperJane, I have heard from "experienced chickens people"...and your probably already know ....that when chickens are young they will lay smaller eggs and as they grow...so do the size of the eggs.
I am NOT one of the experienced chicken people. ha ha Aria

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