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  1. schambo

    Campbell colours?

    What makes you think drake? And how did I end up with a snowy Campbell? I don’t think that’s a thing?
  2. schambo

    Campbell colours?

    The only other duck that this breeder could have had mixed in were runners. Could runner DNA give this colouring?
  3. schambo

    Campbell colours?

    This is them as babies, if it helps (one of the khakis didn't make it).
  4. schambo

    Campbell colours?

    I have these three 5-week-old Campbells - two are khakis, but what's up with the third? It was yellow at hatch, so I assumed it was a white Campbell, but it's colouring is coming in not-white? I'm brand new to ducks - will it go white as it gets older? Is it some other colour or mix of colours...
  5. schambo

    Broody got fosters, ditched eggs?

    Okay, I moved the ducks inside, and she seems to be sitting on the fake eggs okay, but we will see what tomorrow brings.
  6. schambo

    Broody got fosters, ditched eggs?

    Marshmallow the silkie was happily brooding her first clutch of eggs, and I thought they were due to hatch yesterday (Friday). On Thursday, I got some day-old ducklings, so I popped them under her and she took them happily, but they’re pretty busy and she seems to have mostly forgotten about her...
  7. schambo

    Obviously Silkie roo?

    He (?) is only about a month old, but this is clearly a cockerel, right? Already bigger than the other two from the same hatch, and look at that comb and scraggly crest… I’m not too worried about it, I need a new roo, just wondering if I’m right.
  8. schambo

    Silkie ameraucana

    This little friend hatched out of an ameraucana egg, so hen is either my splash wheaten or blue wheaten. Clearly she’s been exposed to my silkie roo, because this guy has black skin and 5 toes on one foot. Roo is black, with lots of reddish leakage. Is there a way to make some guesses about...
  9. schambo

    Mystery yellow chick

    At least one is part silkie! I usually keep my silkies separate from my regular flock, but Peanut here has 9 toes (4 on one, 5 on the other), so it looks like Muffin has some ‘splaining to do. He’s a black silkie with quite a bit of reddish leakage, so the black must be covering something that...
  10. schambo

    Mystery yellow chick

  11. schambo

    Mystery yellow chick

    The chick is white (yellow), and has a few dark splotches on its back (can’t tell if blue or black)
  12. schambo

    Mystery yellow chick

    Yeah, must be the marans hiding a wheaten gene. Now 3/4 chicks hatched from that hen’s eggs are yellow, the other is grey.
  13. schambo

    Mystery yellow chick

    This is mom (for sure, she’s currently my only one who lays green eggs). Easter Eggers mix of unknown parentage. Possible father #1 (blue copper marans, rehomed about a month ago) Possible father #2 Lavender Orpington. Apparently I don’t actually have a recent photo of him - this is him as...
  14. schambo

    Mystery yellow chick

    Supposedly these two are full siblings! They definitely share a mother at least. I’m guessing the yellow one’s father must be the marans with some sneaky wheaten genes.
  15. schambo

    Power outage on hatch day!

    Got two so far, and I see a few more pips and hear lots of cheeping in the eggs.
  16. schambo

    Mystery yellow chick

    Can anyone explain how this yellow baby came from a Lavender Orpington roo? Hen is an Easter Egger that appears wheaten coloured. My understanding is that lavender should act as black, and that would be dominant in this pairing. Slight chance that dad is a black silkie or a blue copper marans...
  17. schambo

    Power outage on hatch day!

    I woke up to find that we had lost power for about two hours in the early morning. Incubator was down to about 80, and the eggs were getting cool to the touch. It’s day 21 - will they make it?
  18. schambo

    Young chick, frostbitten toes

    This is Barbara. Barbara is a 10 week old barred rock - she was out in a small growout in the outdoor coop with a brooder plate a few weeks ago, and the temps dropped more than I was expecting. She got pretty bad frostbite on all her toes. She’s been inside since, and everything seems to be...
  19. schambo

    Early death/not fertilized?

    Day 10, 3/4 of my ameraucana’s eggs are developing well. This one was clear so I pulled it and cracked it. I’m just trying to learn more about the process, so can anyone tell me what happened with it, where it stopped along the development process, or if maybe it wasn’t fertilized at all?
  20. schambo

    What’s wrong with this guys head?

    The kennel has 3 sq. ft. of space, and the brooder takes less than 1 sq. ft. I have a larger brooder arriving shortly. Some of the chicks are showing similar bald heads, so I think the brooder plate is likely the culprit. I tried raising it, will see if they improve. They will be fully...
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