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  • Users: PioneerChicks
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  1. 3 Reasons Your Eggs Are Dirty and How To Fix It

    3 Reasons Your Eggs Are Dirty and How To Fix It

    Why are all the eggs coming from your coop dirty? The hens aren't laying on the floor, so what's the problem? You're not alone. I, along with many other chicken keepers, have wondered this same thing at one point or another. From my experience, here are the top three reasons your eggs are...
  2. The Skills of a Chicken Keeper

    The Skills of a Chicken Keeper

    Chicken keeping is a hard mountain to climb, and you never stop climbing! It's an adventure for sure! Though not necessary, these are the top ten skills I believe every chicken keeper should try to develop or learn. They'll make you and your flock's life smoother in the future. 1. Succumb to...
  3. The Scrap Bucket - a MUST for every chicken keeper

    The Scrap Bucket - a MUST for every chicken keeper

    "How do you walk through all this stuff? Your coop is a mess!" A family member of mine said as he stepped carefully between corn cobs and orange peels. "No it isn't," I replied, "you just have to know where to step. You're walking right through where I dump the scraps!" A scrap bucket...
  4. Silkie Myths and Facts

    Silkie Myths and Facts

    Silkies are one of the most misunderstood chicken breeds. There are many false facts floating around about them, so I'm going to try to set them strait. 1. Silkie or Silky? Their is often a lot of confusion here. The true name is silkie, but if you call them silky most people will understand...
  5. How Goals Can Help Your Flock

    How Goals Can Help Your Flock

    In this article we'll be going over how goals can benefit you and your poultry, and how to set them. I'm no expert on the subject, but I'll share what I know! Why do goals matter? You're probably wondering, how will goals help me? What will I get out of them? Here is why: imagine a life...
  6. Using Eggshells as a Calcium Source

    Using Eggshells as a Calcium Source

    There are many misconceptions out there about feeding chickens eggshells for calcium, so I'll share what I know and you can decide what you'll do. Note: in this article, when I say "hen" I mean any laying female chicken. Technically, a female chicken is a "pullet" until they turn a year old...
  7. 5 Things to Consider when Building a Chicken Coop

    5 Things to Consider when Building a Chicken Coop

    Often times when people are building a chicken coop for the first time, they don't know where to start. Here is a list of the most important things to think about when you are building a coop. 1. Predator Proof Predator proofing your coop might be tricky, but is well worth it. Check through...
  8. PioneerChicks' Farmyard

    PioneerChicks' Farmyard

    Because I have multiple coops, I decided to make a short article with links to my loft, chicken run, and coops, along with a few extra notes. So please check out the links and enjoy! The Triangle Coop A great summer chicken tractor for a small flock! The Tall Coop A simple and cheap build...
  9. Simple Predator Proof Poultry Run

    Simple Predator Proof Poultry Run

    Note: I use chicken wire instead of hardware cloth. Some people may critique that, but I don't have a ton of predators around here, and those that we do have are content to hunt rodents in nearby fields. I have never had a predator rip the wire, and don't believe one ever will. You can use...
  10. The Chick Coop

    The Chick Coop

    This coop is currently my newest addition, created in 2019. This coop follows the design of The Tall Coop, but is smaller. It can hold the same amount of chickens as The Tall Coop (8 standard-sized chickens) on the roosts but is overall more crowded. Actually, this box is the largest but I...
  11. The Tall Coop

    The Tall Coop

    Out of all my coops, this one is my favorite. Made in 2015. It is my largest and it can very comfortably hold 8 large-fowl chickens. It is made from a free wooden box we found at a desirable trash station. Close up of the human door. Note: only the two middle latches work. The outer two are...
  12. The Triangle Coop

    The Triangle Coop

    This was my first coop, made in 2012. It can comfortably hold six standard-sized chickens. We actually got this idea online, but I don't remember where. This one is pretty hard to measure and describe, but because I didn't take pictures during the construction, it will have to do. At first we...
  13. Simple DIY Pigeon Loft

    Simple DIY Pigeon Loft

    This is the first pigeon loft I have built. I have a small store-built loft for my pair of Birmingham Rollers, Cher Ami and Commando, but as I am expecting eggs and want to get some Homers I decided I needed to expand. We found an old open-top wooden box at a desirable trash station and took it...
  14. Methods for Dealing with Roosters

    Methods for Dealing with Roosters

    Roosters are a beautiful (and loud) addition to every flock. But fear of an aggressive rooster can make many people back down. Don't worry, with a consistent method and patience you can avoid this problem. First, check your area laws to make sure roosters are legal...
  15. Fermenting Chicken Feed: A Straightforward Method

    Fermenting Chicken Feed: A Straightforward Method

    Fermenting is a simple process which involves soaking chicken feed then feeding it to your chickens. It is similar to a sourdough starter! And there are so many benefits! The Benefits It is easier for your chickens to digest, especially if you are feeding them pellets or crumbles. Even grains...
  16. How To Overwinter Chickens Naturally

    How To Overwinter Chickens Naturally

    As it nears winter, the new chicken keepers start to panic. "How will my chickens survive the cold?" "Do I need a heat lamp?" "Are there any cracks in my coop?" Don't worry, there are lots of tricks to help your chickens stay warm in the winter. Here is my way of overwintering chickens...
  17. Training Chickens to "Coop" at Night

    Training Chickens to "Coop" at Night

    Maybe your a newbie chicken keeper with teen chicks just old enough for the coop, or have a problem with stubborn chickens sleeping outside. You're not alone. Many people deal with these problems, but not many know an easy way to deal with it. Lots of chicken keepers train their chickens to go...
  18. Egg in a Nest

    Egg in a Nest

    This recipe is a family favorite, which coming from a large and picky family is a miracle! And now, I will share with you the secrets of making this simple but delicious breakfast that you can cook in just five minutes! Ingredients: -Bread -Egg(s) -Butter -Salt and pepper (or another seasoning...
  19. Sexing Silkies

    Sexing Silkies

    Hi everybody! When I first got my silkie chicks I searched for everything about them, especially about sexing them, as I had heard that silkies are very hard to sex. Surprisingly, once I tried it, it didn't seem that hard. Searching around, I found that there are no articles on how to sex...
  20. Store Eggs vs. Farm Eggs

    Store Eggs vs. Farm Eggs

    This article was originally a poster I made for 4H, but then I decided to make it into an article so others can enjoy it. It took a long time, but I finally finished, so here it is. I added in more information, and kept most of the old ideas too. In this article I will be referring to eggs from...
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