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  1. dcwatson84

    Confirm that this is a Rosecomb Leghorn?

    It looks to be speckled like a California White Leghorn, but it also seems to have a rosecomb?
  2. dcwatson84

    ADOR1 Automatic Coop Door?

    I've been using it for a year and have had no problems. I thought I would dislike the 6v batteries but they last so dang long that I don't even notice. Plus I also bought a rechargable one :). I've yet to have a single malfunction. Very satisfied.
  3. dcwatson84

    Are maternal antibodies present in the eggs?

    Are maternal antibodies present in the eggs, or only passed through contact with the hen? I'm hatching chicks at home, all products of my current flock, which have all been vaccinated at hatcheries. I know that chickens pass some degree of resistance to their chicks, but not sure how and and...
  4. dcwatson84

    A way to get your money's worth from galvanized waterers... maybe?

    So I've read a lot about trouble with the galvanized waterers. Not that they dont start out working great (though sometimes they are sold with seam issues where the vacuum doesn't work) but mostly issues with future rust and corrosion. I had one that made it a couple years pretty good, but...
  5. dcwatson84

    Sycamore tree seeds

    Bump. Anyone ever tried this? I have a 50ft tall sycamore that produces tons of these.
  6. dcwatson84

    Galvanized waterer

    I've seen lots of opinions on the galvanized waterers rusting, and whether they're safe. I pretty much assume that any standard spray paint is not going to resist water and remain safe for animals, but is there really *no* safe option? i.e enamel paints? appliance epoxy? Many of those are safe...
  7. dcwatson84

    ADOR1 Automatic Coop Door?

    Any update? I've got to replace my current homemade door and I was considering this model. Reliability is pretty important to me, especially given the high cost of automatic doors.
  8. dcwatson84

    Swollen wattle - fowl cholera, bite/injury, other?

    I kept her separated from the flock for the last 10 days and the swelling reduced in both her face and wattle. Her eye is fully open and her face looks fine. Her wattle is no longer swollen. It's bright red like normal, but appears a little more shriveled than before. I'm guessing this is just...
  9. dcwatson84

    Of all the breeds...

    Of all the breeds I have in my flock (~14 mostly heritage) , this morning I had a Red Ranger hatch 4 chicks. Yep, one of those fat, waddling, meat chickens from tractor supply. I bought them not knowing what they were. And a few of them had issues. Likely because they're meant to be slaughtered...
  10. dcwatson84

    Swollen wattle - fowl cholera, bite/injury, other?

    I actually just checked a minute ago and it appears that the swelling has reduced. Her right eye is mostly open now. She's still not out of the woods but she seems better. Will keep updating.
  11. dcwatson84

    Swollen wattle - fowl cholera, bite/injury, other?

    Not really, other than timidness. I noticed her standing alone in a corner, but I surmised that was likely because she felt uncomfortable not being able to see around her, so she backed herself somewhere to feel safe. I'm going to monitor her today and see if I notice any strange sounds.
  12. dcwatson84

    Swollen wattle - fowl cholera, bite/injury, other?

    I'm in NC. There hasn't been cold weather in about 6 months so frostbite is ruled out.
  13. dcwatson84

    Swollen wattle - fowl cholera, bite/injury, other?

    So if that is the case, is there a recommend protocol? Should i put her down? I read that cholera spreads easily and I have ~20 other hens.
  14. dcwatson84

    Swollen wattle - fowl cholera, bite/injury, other?

    I have a 1 yr old hen who's wattle is swollen along with the left side of her face. Right seems okay. She seems very uncomfortable, mostly due to the limited vision. I believe this started within the last 3 days. Does this seem like inflammation from an injury, something worse like cholera, or...
  15. dcwatson84

    Newly matured Leghorn laid 3 eggs then none for 4 days

    Thanks! I'll giver her another week and see if she lays any more!
  16. dcwatson84

    Newly matured Leghorn laid 3 eggs then none for 4 days

    My first chicken (leghorn) just started laying last weekend. She laid an egg on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday in the nest box. 4 days have past and she hasn't laid any more. Is this fairly normal for a newly matured hen? Or should I be worried that she's carrying some stuck inside? FYI - Shes...
  17. dcwatson84

    Does my Rooster have Marek's Disease?

    I have a 10 week old rooster. He started favoring his right side early on. At a young age (~1 week) his left eye when hazy and he started walking in loops. He has a very strong crook in his neck, and his left foot also appears to always have his toes bent, almost as if the bones arent held...
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