Swollen wattle - fowl cholera, bite/injury, other?

I would rule out a tick bite. Those can cause swollen wattles, bluish bruising, and may respond fairly quickly to 1/2 benadryl tablet given once. Does she have any other symptoms? Fowl cholera is a pretty serious disease, and I would proceed slowly with a diagnosis.
I would rule out a tick bite. Those can cause swollen wattles, bluish bruising, and may respond fairly quickly to 1/2 benadryl tablet given once. Does she have any other symptoms? Fowl cholera is a pretty serious disease, and I would proceed slowly with a diagnosis.

Not really, other than timidness. I noticed her standing alone in a corner, but I surmised that was likely because she felt uncomfortable not being able to see around her, so she backed herself somewhere to feel safe. I'm going to monitor her today and see if I notice any strange sounds.
I actually just checked a minute ago and it appears that the swelling has reduced. Her right eye is mostly open now. She's still not out of the woods but she seems better. Will keep updating.
I kept her separated from the flock for the last 10 days and the swelling reduced in both her face and wattle. Her eye is fully open and her face looks fine. Her wattle is no longer swollen. It's bright red like normal, but appears a little more shriveled than before. I'm guessing this is just due to trauma from the swelling.

For the first week she only spent time on the ground, but the last 4 days she jumped up on her roost during the day to watch the other hens in the pasture. I took this as a sign that she was feeling ready to get back out there. So I gave her a few more days alone and I released her back into the pasture this morning.

I still don't know for certain what caused the issue. Im hoping it was just a sting or some other allergic reaction. It seems it could have also been a physical injury like a snake bite or scratch (though it wasn't readily visible when I first noticed her).
That is good news. I would guess that it was a sting or tick bite that made her have a lot of pain, but sometimes treating them is a guessing game.

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