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  1. BuckAlorp

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed. -- Mark Twain
  2. BuckAlorp

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    This truly has become me since I started my flock 3 weeks ago. I am always out checking on them, giving them mealworms or zucchini and squash. And sometimes just to stand and watch their nuttiness.
  3. BuckAlorp

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    I used to follow and contribute to this thread years ago. once I returned to BYC it took me forever to remember what it was called. Now I have found you once again. let the fun continue. I can't wait to see what y'all post next.
  4. BuckAlorp

    Americauna Chicks

    I just thought I noticed something, someone told me that Isa brown male chicks are all white and easily sexed, was just wondering if the Americauna had a similar trait with different colored shoulders.
  5. BuckAlorp

    Americauna Chicks

    I have 4 Americauna chicks. 1 chick has coloring on its shoulder as in the top pick, the other 3 have a silver shoulder as in the bottom photo. I'm thinking that the silver shouldered ones are males, they act like I would expect a male chick to act, challenging the other silver shoulders, and...
  6. BuckAlorp

    Chicken Beginnings

    This is 1 of the Americauna's that I believe is a rooster, because he is so much bigger than everyone else and bossy too. He is exploring the roost all by himself. Jumped up there twice, looked around, strutted proudly and then left.
  7. BuckAlorp

    Chicken Beginnings

    Thank you, thank you, it has been a long wait. Luckily my wife saw to it to overcome her fear to alleviate my desire to have chickens. It has been 20 plus years of researching chickens to finally get to this day. I'm definitely ready.
  8. BuckAlorp

    Chicken Beginnings

    After many years of research, most of them here on BYC, I have finally gotten my chickens. We have 10 Isa Brown Pullets and 4 Americauana straight run chicks, of which I believe at least 1 is a hen. I wanted at least 1 Rooster so that is why the straight run. I wanted Buckeye chicks, but TSC...
  9. BuckAlorp

    Hello again!

    Yes, I have rethought my coop and run plans, thanks for your thoughts. This past weekend my boys came over and we spent two hours moving the 8x8 shed deeper down the backyard away from the house. The size of my run has been reduced considerably as well. It is now going to be 12 x 20. The...
  10. BuckAlorp

    Hello again!

    While I'm not really a new member I have been here since 2014, researching and learning from many great people. I have had a few excellent conversations with some of you, so if you are one of them please remind me, would love to chat again I have been gone for 2-3 years for various reasons. I...
  11. BuckAlorp

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    Hi ya'll; I know I've been gone too long. Things have been hectic for far too long. Thought I would check in and see how BYC was doing. Where is the 1st place I find myself "Quotes of the Day", of course. I have thought of you all often in my absence. I am not even going to try to catch up on my...
  12. BuckAlorp

    Ask a chef

    My homemade Tortilla Soup; made from my 1st attempt at making Chicken Stock, which was successful, because soup is very Yummy.
  13. BuckAlorp

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    Yeah, this past year I have become a big advocate of essential oils, due to the Lavender oils success at eliminating my migraine issues. I also use it combined with peppermint oil to help raise my alertness level to assist in the battle against narcolepsy. Lavender oil truly is a miracle oil, it...
  14. BuckAlorp

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    Hope this helps
  15. BuckAlorp

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    Sorry I just had too...
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