Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

Thanks for the best wishes. @BuckAlorp I'm using three things on that list! Tea tree oil, Lavender oil, and apple cider vinegar mixed together (it does not smell good).
Good Morning everyone, I love the quotes! If y'all could keep me in your prays today I would appreciate it. I woke up with a rash yesterday and it turned out to be poison ivy. Now it is all over my face (which doesn't feel to good) and my right eye is practically swollen shut. Hope to get better before next week.
Oh no, sweetie. Sorry to hear that! Big
and get better soon!!
Good Morning everyone, I love the quotes! If y'all could keep me in your prays today I would appreciate it. I woke up with a rash yesterday and it turned out to be poison ivy. Now it is all over my face (which doesn't feel to good) and my right eye is practically swollen shut. Hope to get better before next week.
may need to get a steroid cream from a doctor if it spreads anymore, good luck!!!
Thanks for the best wishes. @BuckAlorp I'm using three things on that list! Tea tree oil, Lavender oil, and apple cider vinegar mixed together (it does not smell good).

Yeah, this past year I have become a big advocate of essential oils, due to the Lavender oils success at eliminating my migraine issues. I also use it combined with peppermint oil to help raise my alertness level to assist in the battle against narcolepsy. Lavender oil truly is a miracle oil, it has so many uses; as I have said before on here, I used to take 22 pills a day for my various issues. Since I began my Lavender therapy, I have eliminated all but my daily aspirin.

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