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  • Users: Jasfarm
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  1. Jasfarm

    Am I making the right call?

    I have a 14 month Light Brahma Roo. I have had wonderful advice from the folks here and Shadrach’s fantastic rooster article. I have raised him from a chick. We had two roos and he was the winner for how kind he was to not only the girls, but to us, our dog, and now his 2 offspring. However...
  2. Jasfarm

    Can overmating feather loss spur a molt?

    Hello! I have 10 hens and 1 roo, and as it’s spring, penguin is doing what all good roos do and going through Rooberty. Penguin and 5 hens were all raised together. They will be 1 year, April 1. Then I have one Buff Orp who is ~4 or 5 years old and four Lav Orps who will be 2 in May. The 5...
  3. Jasfarm

    Hen with spurs - Looks like she ripped it off??

    ****UPDATE**** Spur fell off while in recovery. She is now wrapped up and back with her sisters! Hello - I have a hen - Janice - who I noticed was bleeding this am. The pictures aren’t the best but her spur looks like it was caught on something and tore. I’ve cleaned with warm water and...
  4. Jasfarm

    Roo Behavior - Light Brahma - 8 months

    Hello! We have a flock of 12 little angels. 1 just so happens to be a Roo named Penguin. This is our first Roo ever and we’re still learning his behaviors. Currently, I have 1 older hen who hasn’t laid in years and is just living out the rest of her life. I’m 99% sure she has EYP, but...
  5. Jasfarm

    Dusty Run

    Hello! Thanks to the lovely folks here, my chickens have a covered run for the winter (New England). The run is 8x16 and is open-air until right about now, when we put up their custom plastic sheeting panels. (Only one chick sleeps in the coop 🤦‍♀️) After: The panels go almost to the...
  6. Jasfarm

    Soft Shelled Stuck - Now Lethargic

    ** Update: she was standing and eating this morning!** Hi! I have a 1 year and 3 month old Lavender Orpington named Priscilla. Yesterday she had a soft shelled white membrane hanging from her vent. Soaked her in warm Epsom and it came right out. She was free ranging with her sisters, but...
  7. Jasfarm

    Rooster Help - Aggressive or Just Learning

    Hello BYC! Thank you to the articles on roosters and flock management - they have kept me from posting here 86 times! @Pyxis @Redhead Rae I have a mixed flock of 13. 4 - Lavender Orps: 14 months 1 - Buff Orp: I think 4 years. We adopted her and her sister… 1 - Ameracuana: Jeannie is...
  8. Jasfarm

    Emergency! Cocci???

    Hi - I have 7 mixed chicks that are 8 weeks old. They just moved outside with their sisters (separated of course). I just found one poo that looks like blood is maybe in it? Just this one and it looks like tomatoes almost but they haven’t eaten anything other than grass, dirt, whatever they...
  9. Jasfarm

    4-5 Week Old Mixed / Unknown Flock

    We have 7 chicks - roughly 5 weeks old, the NPIP person wasn’t clear on due dates. We have one in particular I am concerned with. Her name is Anne Perkins, but she is mean! Chases the other chicks. Pecks them. Hogs food. Is she a roo? Or just head hen? Also, any idea on what breed my feather...
  10. Jasfarm

    Mixed Flock 🤷‍♀️

    Hi! We picked up these little cuties on April 1, and we were told they were EEs, Cuckoo Maran, and a Barnyard Mix (black chicken with Mohawk). The seller said they were 3-4 days old, which they are all vastly different sizes now - which made me think we have some different breeds? 1 -...
  11. Jasfarm

    Diarrhea in Baby Chick 2-ish weeks old - vaccinated.

    Hello! I have a baby chick who has diarrhea consistently. He or she is on the same food as the 6 other chicks and they are fine. This chick eats, plays, drinks, and is otherwise normal. Have not noticed blood or any of the cocci signs. I have not had cocci before so I’m always watching them...
  12. Jasfarm

    Pasty Butt or Prolapse? Both??

    Update: tried to gently push back in? It’s not moving so maybe it’s not prolapse? Hi! We just picked up our chicks from an NPIP breeder on Saturday. 8 chicks, but one has had pasty bum everyday but it’s also sticking out? Breeder said they are 4ish days old. My gut says prolapse, but I’m...
  13. Jasfarm

    Pinless Peepers? Bullying or Grief?

    Hello! I have a flock of 6 in New England. 1 Buff Orpington - ~3 years 1 Americuana - ~3 years These two are OG flock mates. 4 Lavender Orps - 1 year this May. Debbie the buff has been an absolute menace as of late. Getting on the backs of two lavs and biting their necks. To the point where...
  14. Jasfarm

    Lash Egg? Soft-Shelled?

    Hello - We found this today - we have a mixed flock of all hens - three are 2+ years old and four are 9 months old. No smell. The three 2 year olds - americuanas never have really laid since we adopted them for retirement. Maybe a dozen over the course of a year. Debbie - the Buff Orp lays...
  15. Jasfarm

    Roundworms - ICK!

    Hello! I am in New England and my flock has a case of Roundworms. Treatment starting today with .23ml per lb of bird - SafeGuard. We are getting another 5 inches of snow today so my question is: Our run is sand, coop where 3 hens live is pine shavings. The coop will be easier to clean, but...
  16. Jasfarm

    Guinea Fowl Pulling Chickens Feathers Out

    Hello! Wondering if anyone else has had this issue We raised our 4 Keets with 4 Lavender Orp chicks. They are BFF most of the time. The guineas do not leave their sides. They will even cuddle together at times. So sweet. However, they sometimes turn into devils and chase them and pull out...
  17. Jasfarm

    Chicken Creep Walking?

    Hello! I did some research before posting, but wanted some input. My chicken, Janice, has been high stepping / creep walking. I checked her feet, she’s good. Checked her scales. Looks normal. Could she just be being a weirdo? Video below. She is the one coming down off the platform and is...
  18. Jasfarm

    Pullets and Hens = Not Friends in the Coop

    Hi Everyone! I’m hoping for some guidance here as I think I may have bungled my chick introductions. Current Flock: 3 Hens 4 Pullets (Lavender Orps) 3 Guinea Fowl (had 4, but lost one to a fisher two nights ago) Guineas and Pullets raised together from chicks and keets. Bonded. This is...
  19. Jasfarm

    Lavender BO - 11 Weeks Old

    Hi All - I have been learning all I can to spot the differences between cockerels and pullets. I’m 90% sure I have all pullets but there is one in particular that I’m not 100% on. She or He has always stayed back from the others and hangs more by themselves or with the guinea hens who they...
  20. Jasfarm

    Broody Buff?

    I have a broody Buff Orpington - I think. She exhibited the signs of pre-broodiness, raising her hackles, hissing, and staying in the best box. However, would still free-range, eat, laid eggs, dust bathe, but would much prefer to be in the nest box. We put her in a dog crate for 24, didn't...
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