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  • Users: quailheart
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  1. quailheart

    What Color Are My Coturnix Quail?

    If anyone has any idea what color these guys are please let me know! I’m planning on hatching my own eggs this year so I’m trying to figure out these guys’ genetics. All three are roosters by the way! Kim: Butch: I have another similar looking rooster who I did not get photos of who is all...
  2. quailheart

    Golden Manchurian vs Italian

    Can anyone tell me what colors these are? The first three are females and last one is a male. The first three look reasonably similar however they all have slight differences. 3’s body is darker overall, 1’s head is more black compared to 2 and 3’s lighter brown heads, also 1 has a big white...
  3. quailheart

    Cinnamon Coturnix Breeding

    Hey everyone! This is one of my Coturnix hens from Southwest Gamebirds who I believe is a Cinnamon. She is the only quail I have of this color and I would love to try to hatch out more like her. Is that even possible with her genetics and her being the only Cinnamon quail I have? On Southwest...
  4. quailheart

    How Can I Start Making Profit From Quail?

    Hello! I’ve been raising Coturnix and Bobwhite quail for several years now and have recently been wondering how I can make it more sustainable, or even profitable. Ive thought about selling at a local farmers market but I figured I would be spending a lot of time at a stand that I payed a lot of...
  5. quailheart

    HELP! Rabbit Won’t Eat or Drink!

    Please help! I am a first time rabbit owner and my rabbit won’t eat or drink. It is 7am in the morning and this started last night, however last night he still ate fresh veggies and fruit that I offered, just no water or hay. This morning he refuses to eat or drink anything and has been sitting...
  6. quailheart

    I Need Your Opinions on Where to Keep a Pet Bunny!

    Hello everyone! I've been wanting a pet bunny as a companion animal for years and I have come very close to a decision. There are a few things I need to figure out before I get one though, and I would love your opinions. Some people are able to let their rabbits free roam around their house...
  7. quailheart

    Malaysian Serama Bantam Questions

    Hi! I’ve been keeping quail for a few years and I have always wanted to get chickens too. Due to spacial limitations, chickens wouldn’t exactly work in my case. I just recently discovered Malaysian Serama Bantams, and I was wondering if they would be able to live with my coturnix quail. They...
  8. quailheart

    Cat Found and Killed a Baby Bunny, Nest in Danger

    Hey all! Now I’m no expert with rabbits, the only experience I have with them is the wild rabbits around my house. Recently we found a wild rabbit nest in common grounds near my yard, we’ve been careful not to disturb it but we wanted to keep an eye on it because of all the predators and other...
  9. quailheart

    Egg Turner Stopped Working During Incubation

    Hello everyone, I’ve kind of been in panic mode when I recently found out that my egg turner is not working. It’s day 2 of incubation, we are incubating around 30 quail eggs, and the egg turner has not been working since day 0. I never thought anything of it since it turns so slowly, I thought I...
  10. quailheart

    3 Week Quail with Bad Spraddle Leg. Help!!! (Pictures)

    One of my 2-3 week old quail recently developed spraddle leg in his right leg. He is the only one out of his 22 other siblings to get it! I’ve dealt with spraddle leg in quail before but it was a younger bird and it was not this severe. I tried to bound his legs together with a mini rubber band...
  11. quailheart

    Weak Chick Needs Help BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!

    I have been hatching quail eggs in my class for a few days. There was an egg that was cracked all the way around, but then he stopped hatching. I didn't want to help him hatch, but I had no choice. I took the top of his egg off and put him back in the incubator. He couldn't even push off the...
  12. quailheart

    Lonely Quail Waiting for Friends to Hatch!

    Yesterday was hatching day for our 36 coturnix quail eggs at school. One hatched sometime last night, but I don't see any signs of more eggs hatching! There is no pips or cracks that I can see on any eggs. The poor little guy is chirping his head off! Do you think any more will hatch? How long...
  13. quailheart

    Incubating Eggs at School. Lockdown Is During the Weekend, Help!

    I have been incubating coturnix quail eggs at my school since Saturday, April 10. Today is day 10 for incubation. Lockdown is this Saturday, and no one will be here to raise the humidity and take the eggs out of the turner! Should I go into lockdown a day early on Friday? Is that ok for the eggs?
  14. quailheart

    Ordering Ducklings through the Mail. What is it like?

    I wasn't sure what topic to put this under so I picked a random one! Anyways, I just ordered ducklings online for the first time. They are getting shipped on June 1st. Does anyone have any experience ordering chicks through the mail that could tell me what it's like? Does it ship to my house or...
  15. quailheart

    Runner vs. Pekin! Which should I get?

    I am going to be getting ducklings this summer and I am torn between these two breeds. Anyone who has experience with either of these two breeds please tell me which one you would recommend. I can only pick one though. Also please tell me why you would choose one over the other. There's the...
  16. quailheart

    House Duck Tips Please!

    I am getting 2 (hopefully) female Fawn & White Runner Ducks this summer. They will come to me as day old ducklings and I can't wait! I am going to be raising them indoors but they will have plenty of access to the yard as well. Here are some questions that I have come up with that I would love...
  17. quailheart

    What Animals can Live With Quail?

    Hello! I was wondering, does anyone keep quail with any other bird or animal? Is it possible to do so without them spreading diseases among each other? This is kind of a random question! I bet most people won’t keep quail with other animals I was just curious! Thanks!
  18. quailheart

    Exotic Bird Incubator VS Normal Incubator. What should I use?!?!?!

    I would like to hatch Hahn's Macaw Eggs this spring so I am researching incubators right now and a lot of websites are recommending that I use an exotic bird incubator, I didn't even know that was a thing. The incubator I have now isn't a cheapy, but it's definitely not one of the really fancy...
  19. quailheart

    Should I Gift A Duck To My Friend?

    Hello everyone! I didn't really know what topic to put this thread in so I just picked Games Jokes and Fun. Our family friends live up in Wisconsin and we either go up to see them or they come down to Missouri to visit us once a year. This past year, our plans to see each other have been...
  20. quailheart

    Abandoned Baby Mourning Dove! Help!!

    I was on a walk today and I found a fledgling mourning dove in the middle of the road. I put it in the grass nearby so that the mother would find it, after almost an hour I went back to check on it and it was still there. I'm going to take it in for the night so a predator won't get it, and I...
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