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  1. Bear4boo

    Soft Egg Issues- Need Advice Please!

    Photo is of a rubbery, shell-less egg.
  2. Bear4boo

    Soft Egg Issues- Need Advice Please!

    We have had multiple chickens lay soft or shell-less eggs lately. We have two flocks (2 years old and 10 months old) and hens from both flocks have had issues with this in the last several weeks or so. We were feeding them all flock feed with calcium on the side but switched back to a layer feed...
  3. Bear4boo

    All Flock Higher Protein Feed vs. Layer Feed

    We were using layer feed for our hens until we got baby chicks. We then switched all of them to starter/grower feed and supplemental calcium is always available. Now that all of the hens are laying we are trying to decide if we should switch them all over to layer feed or stay with a higher...
  4. Bear4boo

    Which hen layed this? Lavender Orpington or Silver Laced Wyndadotte?

    I’m not sure which of our new girls laid this: does it look like a Lavender Orpington egg or one from a Silver Wynadotte? Thanks!
  5. Bear4boo

    Chicken ate a big strip of plastic!

    One of our girls just slurped down a strip of plastic while free ranging….approximately five or so inches long and a couple of inches wide. How concerned should we be? Is there anything we need to do?
  6. Bear4boo

    Any reason NOT to add some sand to our wood chips in the run?

    Looking for some other ideas to help cool the girls off in the run and heard sand can help.
  7. Bear4boo

    Love this waterer for our chicks!

    This is the one we use! We love it and it can be heated for the winter. Can also change out the nipples to use the cups (or use both in the summer like we do) :)
  8. Bear4boo

    Love this waterer for our chicks!

    No! No mess at all!
  9. Bear4boo

    Love this waterer for our chicks!

    We tried this nipple waterer with our 11 day old chicks and they took right to it! We used the red nipple and they did great! So happy! No more dirty waterer that needs to be changed several times a day! This will also make the transition to the outside coop so much easier as my big girls use a...
  10. Bear4boo

    Baby chicks just want to be held!

    We got 3 baby chicks today: they are 8 days old. All of them LOVE being held and chirp and try to jump to us when we put them back in the brooder. It’s really cute but this is very different than our last batch of chicks who hid under the heat plate when we tried to pick them up. They love to be...
  11. Bear4boo

    Looking for breed recommendations to add to our flock of 5

    There is a feed store near us that allows purchases of any number of chicks.
  12. Bear4boo

    Looking for breed recommendations to add to our flock of 5

    We currently have a Buff Orpington, Speckled Sussex, Golden Laced Wyandotte, Rhode Island Red & Black Australorp. We’d like to add two more to the flock of different breeds. A couple that we are considering are Lavender Orpington & Barred Rock. Any thoughts?
  13. Bear4boo

    Is the Lavender Orpington considered a heritage breed?

    I’m wondering if the Lavender Orpington is a heritage breed? Thank you!
  14. Bear4boo

    Amerecauna opinions please!

    What can you all tell me about your experiences with Amerecaunas? Are they good with kids? Good layers? I would love to hear the pros and cons of this breed!
  15. Bear4boo

    Sapphire Gem Opinions Please!

    We are considering getting a couple of sapphire gem chicks. For those of you who have this breed, do you recommend? We live in Wisconsin.
  16. Bear4boo

    First time dealing with a Broody hen

    Our buff Orpington is acting broody; she is 15 months old so this is a first. She is spending a lot of time in the nesting box, growls and puffs out her feathers a lot and pecks at the other hens if they try to come near the nesting box. We do not have roosters but someone offered to give us a...
  17. Bear4boo

    How to increase calcium besides oyster shells?

    We have had two egg bound hens in the last few months and I’ve noticed some of the egg shells seem to be thinner/weaker. We use Kalmbach Layer feed which has 3.5% calcium and we offer oyster shells at all time, but I rarely see them eat it. What else can we do to increase their calcium? I asked...
  18. Bear4boo

    Can liquid calcium be added to hen’s water?

    We have had two egg bound chickens in the last few months. One recovered and one sadly didn’t make it. We give them a layer feed with oyster shells available at all times separately. We rarely see them eat the oyster shells. I’ve heard that some people add liquid calcium to the water. Is this...
  19. Bear4boo

    Flock behavior after a hen passes :(

    We experienced our first chicken loss early this morning. :( She had been sick for days, most likely a ruptured egg/egg bound). She was the sweetest most lovable girl and we will deeply miss her. I am wondering if it is common for others in the flock to grieve the passing of a hen. We have 5...
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