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  1. livin-green

    1.5 yr old Marans roo--lethargic, stumbling, pale, green poop

    Give us the following information. The more you tell us, the better we will be able to help you. 1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Blue Copper Marans rooster; 1 year 4 months 2) What is the behavior, exactly...
  2. livin-green

    8 day old chick with swollen eyeball

    ...injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma. No 6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation. Nothing I *know* of, but it is the smallest chick in the brooder--the last to hatch of 7 and all those are also in with 5 other chicks that are 1 week older...
  3. livin-green

    Black splotches on comb & head shaking

    Okay--looked at several posts & lots of other photos...What do you guys think about the black splotches on his comb? Here's the details--eating, drinking, defecating, breeding are all normal. Acts perfectly fine with no weezing, sneezing, etc. The only thing I have noticed is that he shakes...
  4. livin-green

    What breed traits are passed from which parent?

    I'm curious if the feathered leg gene is deteremined by the roo or hen, and if so which one? Here's a quick run-down of why I'm curious about it.... Last spring, I let a Buff Orpington Roo join my laying flock that includes several different breeds. Several hens have been/are broody. I have 3...
  5. livin-green

    Suggestion on using ACV with an auto-waterer system

    Does anyone know of a way to use an auto waterer and ACV? I already have this type of auto waterer, which I am not using because I don't know how to add ACV to the water this way. Link: Any ideas on a way to convert this, or is there...
  6. livin-green

    1yr old Marans roo with "curled toe paralysis"????

    Before I start endlessly searching through all the past posts, I thought I'd go ahead and post my problem--in hopes it's not too late to fix it.... I went out this morning to let my flock out, and my roo hobbled out of the coop. Upon examination, he is keeping his toes curled and kinda' walking...
  7. livin-green

    Ameraucana Roo has lost his beard--beginning of molt??

    I have a true Splash Ameraucana roo that we hatched last spring (March, I think it was), and I noticed yesterday that he has nearly lost his entire beard. Nothing bloody/wounded, just no feathers, and he is the only roo with two hens in their enclosure. It happened rather quickly, and nothing...
  8. livin-green

    9mo+ old Ameraucanas still not laying

    Okay, I hatched some Ameraucanas in the spring--true Ameraucanas from a breeder. It was not a good hatch--only 2 roos and 2 hens (well, technically still pullets). Anyway, they are a little over 9 months old and still I haven't found a single egg...or any remnants of one in the run or coop area...
  9. livin-green

    Zipped egg but not coming out....what to do?

    Hey, guys--just wanted to ask what similar experiences any of you have had. I am hatching 11 Marans eggs...or at least trying to! Yesterday (4/15) at 9pm was Day 21. My humidity is hovering between 60-65% since yesterday, and I am using the egg carton hatching method. Currently, I have 3 out...
  10. livin-green

    Any Ideas on week old chicks

    Hey, guys! I think I'm losing my mind....never mind what my hubby thinks....I am up hatching 11 Marans and 3 Buff Orpington tonight (hopefully that many ), but when I stopped by the new Tractor Supply store in town this afternoon I bought 4 adorable little black chicks from the Straight Run bin...
  11. livin-green

    Not getting enough protein??

    My second question for today....I started with chickens right about a year ago. From what I have read, they seemed to have molted later than most people's--seems like it wasn't until around January, which was the coldest part of the year...??? Anyway, this is the first of April and many of them...
  12. livin-green

    Why ACV in water??--Okay for chicks??

    I have a friend who said she puts apple cider vinegar in her waterers to keep bacteria from growing in them. She said she buys Bragg's because it's organic, and some other info. I found said that it needs to be "raw"--not homogenized or pasteurized--to be beneficial. Does anyone have info. on...
  13. livin-green

    HELP! I can NOT get my humidity right to set me eggs in a LG

    AAAAAAGGGGHHHH! Okay, I feel better. No wait.... Okay. I might be calmed down now. I am having major issues getting the humidity right so I can set my Marans eggs. I used my LG for my first hatch which was barely successful. I only had 4 chicks out of 12 eggs, but my temp & humidity stayed...
  14. livin-green

    Help ID'ing stage of 7 unhatched chicks & why--possibly graphic pics??

    Hello, all. I need the help of some experienced hatchers to identify the stage of these unhatched chicks and give me any possible reason why they quit at this stage. This was my first hatch, and I have more eggs that I plan to set this evening. I want to try to make sure I don't repeat any...
  15. livin-green

    At Day 24--should I candle?

    Eight hours into Day 24, and not even a pip on the last 8 of my 12 eggs. The first 4 chicks hatched out on Day 21, but these 8 aren't doing anything. Someone recommended going ahead and candling them. I candled them at Day 18 when moving from turner tray to egg cartons, and I couldn't tell...
  16. livin-green

    How long to wait on eggs with no signs of life??

    It's me again....I know, those darn newbies with the repetitive questions..... But here goes--I've read several people saying they have had chicks hatch out as late as Day 25, but I'm curious under what circumstances do you wait that long? I set 16 shipped Ameraucana eggs (all the way from...
  17. livin-green

    How long should it take a chick to dry out?

    My first chick hatched out this afternoon--had some difficulty getting out of the shell, but was completely out by 2:30pm. It was really wet and goopy looking. It's now about 6:30pm and it is still pretty wet. I've noticed also that it barely open it's eyes. Think this one is going to be okay or...
  18. livin-green

    Pip! Pip! Hurray! (Update: NEED HELP!)

    ...mess up the hatch. I do have a question. Where on the egg do they usually "pip"? I thought it was usually towards the top--does this one seem kinda' low? Or does that even matter? Sorry for such a newbie question--I've just never seen a chick hatch! **edited to change title asking for help!
  19. livin-green

    Is the air sac supposed to move....??

    Hey, guys. Have a question....this is my first hatching attempt, and I have a question. Today is Day 18. I tried candling my 16 Ameraucana eggs, but I'm not experienced with candling. For the most part, I couldn't make out a darn thing! The shells are just too dark or something--nothing but...
  20. livin-green

    Questions about my candled eggs

    Okay, guys....I've looked at all the photos, diagrams, etc., of what to look for in a candled egg.....aargh! Other than candling the eggs right before incubating, I've never candled, so I'm still not positive what I'm seeing. This evening is wrapping up the 8th day of incubation. A few looked...
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