Why ACV in water??--Okay for chicks??


11 Years
Apr 17, 2008
Clay, Alabama
I have a friend who said she puts apple cider vinegar in her waterers to keep bacteria from growing in them. She said she buys Bragg's because it's organic, and some other info. I found said that it needs to be "raw"--not homogenized or pasteurized--to be beneficial.

Does anyone have info. on this? I'm curious if the regular ACV that you can buy at Walmart will also work? It doesn't say anything about being raw,etc. It does say:

Diluted with water to 5% acidity

Gluten Free

That's it. Not even an "Ingredients" summary or anything....

Any input??

Edited to ask new question about ACV
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What you are looking for is one that has "mother" in it. The sedament in the bottom. ACV is good for you and the animals. It helps with sour crops, algae growth in the waterers. For the horses I have noticed that it helps with the shine in there coat.
Well, it sounds like it's another one of those "personal preference" kind of things....

I guess, since I already have some regular, I will use it for now, Then, maybe pick up the other later since I try to stay as organic, etc., as possible.
Raw ACV is definitely better for them but the store bought is beneficial also....at least more so than not using any at all!

ACV is touted as an immunity booster, parasite cleanse, makes eggs larger, feathers brighter, helps produce more female offspring, keeps waterers from growing algae or molds.

The raw ACV has probiotics and just more of the "good" ingredients that cause it to be so great for livestock...and us!
Oooo, good question! I did find two places that mentioned 1/4 cup to a gallon of water, but they were talking about for medication purposes. Any input of how much for everyday supplement?

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