Zipped egg but not coming out....what to do?


11 Years
Apr 17, 2008
Clay, Alabama
Hey, guys--just wanted to ask what similar experiences any of you have had. I am hatching 11 Marans eggs...or at least trying to! Yesterday (4/15) at 9pm was Day 21. My humidity is hovering between 60-65% since yesterday, and I am using the egg carton hatching method.

Currently, I have 3 out, one zipped and almost out, and 4 pipped. Two doing...??? But, one seems to be having a problem. It pipped first at about 9:30 last night, and by 1:00pm today it had completely zipped. You can see the chick through some of the cracks, but it still has not come out--going on 9 hours since completing its zip. I haven't seen any movement and can't really tell if it is even breathing --I could at first.

Do you think I should quickly grab it and see about helping out? I'm thinking it looks like it took too long and it is now dried out too much & stuck to the membrane...?? You can click on the pics to get a bigger view.

Thanks in advance!
You have to be the one to decide to help. I have helped before and both good and bad things came out of it. I had chicks hatching under my broody one had zipped and never came out but tried and tried and I could hear it chirping. I wait and wait and checked and I decided to was a good thing i did because the membrance had became hard and was incasing the little guy inside the egg. He would have surly died and now he is healthy and doing fine. I also have helped some and killed them by trying to help. It can take them over 24 hours to get out of the egg or long it took some of mine from pip-zip- to out about 26 hours.
I just checked again, and I did see some slight movement. Guess I should wait a little longer. I've heard that it can take ~24 hours to finish hatch, but I assumed once they were completely zipped it was pretty much done. It did try and try to pop that top off...maybe it just wore its little self out!

I was reading another thread about whether to take out chicks before all had hatched. Several were mentioning doing a quick grab and misting the eggs with warm water to help with the humidity drop.....wonder if I should just try lightly misting this egg in case it is too dried out....?? Anyone with any input here?
I waited to help two of mine I tried to mist the eggs first but they still diidnt zip I finally decided I could tke it no longer and got them out. My daughter came over and she helped. We very carefully chipped just the shell and did not touch the membrane. The one my daughter helped out came out and was fine. My poor little guy came out but could not straighten out. It remained curled up iin a fetal position His head was curled as well. I put him back into the incubator but he didn't make it. I wish now I had helped it sooner as I think he would have probabally made it. But its your deciision. I figured after 24 hours they just couldn't make it.
Wonder if it would help to try to up the humidity to get it to at least 65%? With my incubator you can add water with a straw through a top vent.
Also I have heard of problems with egg carton hatches where the eggs are upright like yours are. Seems to me it would be easier on the chick if the egg were on its side as it would be in the nest. He/she has to work against gravity your way.
Since it's a little past 24 hours I might would try flipping the top off or misting it. You've waited the reccomended amount of time and it might not make it without help--so you're really not risking anything at this point. Good Luck and keep us posted.

P.S. I also agree with Peaceful--being in the carton may be hindering him some.
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Heres a secert...Opening the bator quickly does not affect the other chicks..If you dont have any pips quickly open it and try to pop the top off yourself. I'v done this before, had the same problem when I used the egg carton I had to lift the top off all my eggs. I know if you quickly open the bator to grab chicks out does not effect the others because I always remove my chicks once dried.

I decided the majority thought I had met the wait time and that I should intervene. I am SO glad that I did. It was stuck to the membrane/shell almost all the way around the zip. As soon as I pulled it out, I could hear loud chirping..."Help me! Help me!" I used warm water and q-tips to get it out, and quickly placed it back in the bator. Seems to be doing fine now.

Sorry, no pics. Didn't want to take time to wash the sticky off my hands, get the camera, and do a photo shoot

I'll post a fluffy pic soon!
Just saw this thread.

So happy everything worked out for your little guy!

I have found that if a chick has zipped but has not come out. I wait for a few hours. Then I usually help. I haven't had any problem helping once they have zipped. Usually just stuck... no bleeding, etc.

I have had good and bad outcomes from helping "the last chick" who has pipped but not zipped.

Just had "good outcome" today. Pipped not zipped. Peep getting weaker. Slowly/carefully did the zipping for HER. Then, covered egg except for air hole around pip with warm moist paper towel. She finished pushing herself out about an 1hr later. Still rather weak but I am pretty sure she will make it.

Glad you were able to save that precious fuzzy butt!
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