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  1. RedwoodCoastChick

    Coffee Club

    Hello again, all! Yes, we're having sunny days and chilly nights here on the Redwood Coast, finally not too soggy to get out and garden a bit (mostly battling spring weeds, but the chooks love weed piles.) I haven't had any time to hang out on BYC for over a month, since our daughter and...
  2. RedwoodCoastChick

    Coffee Club

    Think I'll brew more coffee as the sky is darkening again rather ominously. Wild weather here the past 2 days and more to come! We're at 3.08" since Thursday with spells of high winds, hail, thunder & lightning and heavy rain squalls, punctuated by calm spells with even a bit of sunshine --...
  3. RedwoodCoastChick

    Coffee Club

    ...a vengeance; we're in for a series of very wet & windy storms. Hope PG&E can keep our power on! We had an inch overnight and lots more on the way. My feathered ladies are not best pleased. But they have their covered run and I have my coffee and BYC, so life is good! Cheers! *clink coffee mugs*
  4. RedwoodCoastChick

    Coffee Club

    Ahhh, yes! Coffee brewing and bacon frying, the smells of a new day camping! 😍 One of my favorite camping memories was the time a big Boy Scout troop was camping next to our space, and in the early morning through our tent fabric we heard one of the Den Mothers scolding the youngest (Cub)...
  5. RedwoodCoastChick

    Coffee Club

    Just caught myself nodding off over the keyboard...and realized I'm drinking herbal tea with no caffeine. No wonder! Busy day, and more to get done tonight while we're sure to have power (before tomorrow's big storm arrives). So I'd best go make some fresh COFFEE. ❤️ ☕
  6. RedwoodCoastChick

    Coffee Club

    😂😂🤣😍 Oh, wow, I LOVE this!!!! Thanks, fuzzi!
  7. RedwoodCoastChick

    Coffee Club

    Coffee ☕and a quickie "brunch" omelet (thank you, Elsie and Sheila!) before I duck out to work between raindrops this morning. Wow, you folks in the south are having WILD swings in the weather -- freezing then pushing 80F!?! Is this remotely normal?🤔
  8. RedwoodCoastChick

    Coffee Club

    Three cups of coffee got me started earlier than usual this morning, DH needed to get up & out for a long-awaited medical appointment. Once he'd left I climbed into my dirt clothes and rushed outdoors, eager to take advantage of this rare rainless day with the chooks & dogs and in the weed-lush...
  9. RedwoodCoastChick

    Coffee Club

    Having my evening tea now, after spending a wonderful day OUTSIDE! No rain, so I tackled the vigorous crop of grassy weeds trying to take over my little cherry "orchard" near the raspberry patch. The pullets got a mountain of fresh weed greens and root mats to climb on and pick through -...
  10. RedwoodCoastChick

    Coffee Club

    On my 3rd cup here at 2pm. Atmospheric river has dumped 4.26" so far since early this morning, still going strong into early tomorrow. At some point I need to duck out and collect eggs, give the girls some greens, but every time I think, 'well, soon as it lets up a little', it just comes down...
  11. RedwoodCoastChick

    Coffee Club

    The weather forecast for your region sounds wild and scary, even tornado warnings in some areas! 😯 Hope the worst of it won't be coming through where you folks are. I'm grateful we'll just be very wet, as usual this time of year. Right now the chooks are out playing between showers and I'm...
  12. RedwoodCoastChick

    Coffee Club

    Sunday morning coffee - absolutely true! Sitting here sipping that wonderful first cup of freshly ground Humboldt Bay Coffee Company's "Holiday Blend", wishing I could share with you all! ☕ (We have several very good local coffee roasting companies based here, surprisingly. Guess 'cause with...
  13. RedwoodCoastChick

    Coffee Club

    Gusty winds and raining here, too, looks like the whole northwest is getting another good soak this week. I had to go out in the rain this morning to tie down a flapping corner of the tarp over their secure run - with only half a cup of coffee in me! ☕ 🙄 Every time it lets up a bit, the two...
  14. RedwoodCoastChick

    Coffee Club

    I've got to say, I'm really enjoying your daily coffee cartoons! (I'll have what she's having, please... 😄 )
  15. RedwoodCoastChick

    Coffee Club

    Good morning all! Starting my 2nd cup after cooking a pot of oatmeal with blueberries for my 8 deserving pullets - 12 eggs in the past 2 days despite the long hours of dark & the windy, rainy weather. Today it's partly cloudy, blue sky & bits of sun peeking through - will be a nice day to see...
  16. RedwoodCoastChick

    Coffee Club

    Hey, Ladies-Eight, I just finished my 2nd cup of evening tea! Coffee in the morning, tea at night -- not sure why but that's what I enjoy. (Luckily, late caffeine doesn't bother me.) Temp's a warm 51 degrees at 9pm, we've had 0.83" of rain today but it let up long enough to go clean the coop...
  17. RedwoodCoastChick

    Coffee Club

    Finishing my 2nd cup with late breakfast/brunch and enjoying the gentle warm rain falling outside my office/guest room window. So peaceful after the Christmas rush, guests, excitement... Will bestir myself shortly to scramble a bunch of eggs as a treat for my dear sweet pullets, in thanks for...
  18. RedwoodCoastChick

    Coffee Club

    Finishing 3rd cup of coffee, energized enough to go finish Christmas food shopping, then return to finish toddler-proofing (we hope! 🤞 ❤️) the house and yard. Little dude has a serious peanut allergy and I just realized our wild bird seed mix has peanuts in it 😳 that the birds flick onto the...
  19. RedwoodCoastChick

    Coffee Club

    I'm envious! One thing I miss about the LA area is all the wonderful ethnic grocery stores. We're too small & remote up here to support them, alas. Can't even find good tamales for Christmas...Grocery store versions are not authentic, too bland.
  20. RedwoodCoastChick

    Coffee Club

    Good (late) morning, all! Finishing Cup #3 while indulging in some BYC time before getting back to work. We had 1.16" of rain from the Pacific cyclone that "brushed" the coast yesterday through this morning, lots of gusty winds but power stayed on, no trees down. Now the sky is blue, bright sun...
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