Happy New Year! Up at 4am because I can't sleep again. Having a coffee and thinking about my New Years resolution to clear my clutter. I need to do this but it seems so overwhelming and my closet scares me lol. how to start....
Me awake realizing I've overdone my New Year's resolutions (again!)
AWAKE Realization.jpg
Morning Club brought more coffee.
Wet here too fire in the stove.
Let the birds out,
Gusty winds and raining here, too, looks like the whole northwest is getting another good soak this week. I had to go out in the rain this morning to tie down a flapping corner of the tarp over their secure run - with only half a cup of coffee in me! ☕ 🙄 Every time it lets up a bit, the two Eggers are the first to venture outside and start poking around. Lowest in the hierarchy but the most adventurous...

Ok, back to my 2nd cup before I have to venture out & do errands. (Heavy rain = free carwash?) Have a good day, everyone!

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