Finishing my 2nd cup with late breakfast/brunch and enjoying the gentle warm rain falling outside my office/guest room window. So peaceful after the Christmas rush, guests, excitement...

Will bestir myself shortly to scramble a bunch of eggs as a treat for my dear sweet pullets, in thanks for their steady winter production! (And just because it's fun to watch them excitedly gobble up their scrambled eggs.) Then more coffee, a couple of the remaining Christmas cookies and a good book - a productive day! 😉
What do you think about this mug? Just out of the kiln. The fires of hell and the lid keep the coffee warm!
Good morning up at 8 let the dogs and birds out.
I did bring coffee there are hot rolls.
I was up at 6 and on the road to a doctor's appointment by 7. Only had coffee on the road, no time for rolls! It was just a routine doctor appointment but his office is an hour and a half away. Note to self: never make morning appointments.
Hey, Ladies-Eight, I just finished my 2nd cup of evening tea! Coffee in the morning, tea at night -- not sure why but that's what I enjoy. (Luckily, late caffeine doesn't bother me.)

Temp's a warm 51 degrees at 9pm, we've had 0.83" of rain today but it let up long enough to go clean the coop and treat the 8 pullets to scrambled eggs with leftover broccoli (1 egg per girl seemed fair). They gobbled it all down by the time I'd collected today's eggs! Very popular with the chooks; they ate so fast, no one paused to push or peck away the lower-ranking girls.

Good night, all! Sleep well. Fresh brew in the morning...

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