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  1. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Swollen Ear

    My 5 y/o BO has a swollen ear that I inly noticed today. I don't see any wound or site where there might be a core infection, but it's swollen for sure. No other symptoms (no drainage, energetic, eating, drinking, etc.). Should I get her on abx? Wait and see? It was really hard for me to get a...
  2. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Stumped! Chicken having trouble keeping food in mouth

    A couple days ago, I noticed that my 5 y/o GLW Drucie had an empty crop--which is unusual for her, because she's pretty voracious. When I put some crumbles on the ground for her (which she loves) she would go for them like she's busily eating them up, but each one drops out. I also noticed while...
  3. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Feeling Guilty - Can't Free Range as Much

    So, our new neighbors have a large dog who they claim they have an invisible fence and e-collar for, but they've been here over a week and still don't have anything set up to keep him on the property (though they have plenty of time to buy ATVs, and ride them all over the property all day)...
  4. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Hot Wire Fence - Will it Harm Chickens, Birds, and Small Animals?

    I've recently had to install a hot wire fence around the run/coop, mostly because of the neighbors' large dog that is fixated on trying to get in (coop/run is sturdy, but a strong and persistent dog could still rip hardware cloth, I believe, if it had the time). I got a .03 joule charger and the...
  5. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    BIG MISTAKE - Chlorhexidine Spray in Ear (Accidental)

    I'm panicking. I made the terrible error of choosing to use chlorhexidine spray for a small wound on my EE's ear lobe. I didn't realize there was an ototoxicity risk; and was careful nonetheless to avoid her eyes/nares. Today, however, she struggled and I sprayed a good bit right in her ear, I'm...
  6. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Help! Possible Sinus Canker - Smelly, Blocked Nares

    My 5 y/o RIR hen, Willow, has developed crusty nares over the last few weeks. I thought it was just compacted feed and dirt, and started trying to remove it, but it seems almost to be tissue-like, and today, I've noticed a foul smell developing from the area. I also noticed that she's not as...
  7. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Chickens too scared to leave coop

    A few hours ago, I was out visiting with my chickens when a murder of crows flew overhead, loudly squawking. The chickens got spooked and ran into their coop like they were running for their lives. I stood outside the run and watched--no signs of hawks or anything, but the crows seemed worked up...
  8. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Huge Crop: When to Intervene?

    Today I noticed that my 4.5 y/o RIR has a massive crop, more than usual. I noticed it slightly swings left and right when she runs and, I dunno, just seems really big. It feels firm but with give--not hard or anything. At what point should I worry or keep her from eating or drinking? I don't...
  9. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Molting Hen Is Acting Poorly - Treatment Needed?

    My 4.5 y/o EE, Darla, is going through a pretty extreme molt. She's at the bottom of the pecking order and always pretty awkward, but is acting even more confused and flustered than usual, and is otherwise very low energy. This is normal for her during molts. However, I noticed the following...
  10. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Early Doughy Crop?

    My 4.5 y/o BO, Glory, has been molting, but otherwise appears in good health. She was eating/drinking and pooping normally yesterday evening. Today, mid-morning, she took one of those poops that indicate her stomach is empty which concerned me and I felt her crop. It wasn't big by any means, but...
  11. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Fairy Egg & Other Quirks: Should I be Concerned?

    I recently posted about my RIR Willow, who is ~ 4.5 years old. Last week, she started a habit of plucking my molting hen's blood feathers on her vent, so I had to keep her in a separation pen (still in the main run--big enough for a dust bath area, food, water, and a perch). Around that time I...
  12. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Dealing with Bullies: Separation Pen and Egg Laying

    My 4+ y/o RIR, Willy Honka, is a great chicken.... most of the time. However, since this time last year, when my BO Glory starts to molt and blood feather nubs start showing up around her vent/rear end, Willy Honka becomes OBSESSED with plucking and pecking them. Inevitably, this causes bleeding...
  13. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Recurring Egg Yok Peritonitis (EYP) - Options? Advice?

    Hi, Everyone. My EE, Easter, is a little over 4 y/o and has, this past month, been struggling with recurring cases of EYP which thus far has been treatable. She's been an odd case all her life. Here's a snapshot of her history. Easter is pint-sized with an unstoppable will to survive. She's the...
  14. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Help! EYP and water ballon crop - oral antibiotics?

    My chicken developed EYP, and I've been treating her with baytril 10 (oral). However, at the onset of EYP her crop swelled up and stopped emptying. It isn't sour crop (yet) as there's no smell, but she's drinking lots of water and it--along with the meds--seem to just be sitting in her crop...
  15. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Mid-June Molt?

    I have a flock of five hens who are all a little over 4 years old. Two of the five are starting to molt--a buff orpington and a RIR hybrid. The buff orpington had a light/mini-molt already in May, where she stopped laying for a couple of weeks and lost a small amount of feathers. This molt is...
  16. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Pinched Nerve from Egg?

    Meet my best friend in the universe, Glory. Whenever she sees me, she literally runs into my arms for cuddles (not exaggerating). I love her so darn much. She is a 4 year old BO. Every once in the blue moon, an egg moving through Glory's system seems to cause a temporary pinched nerve. As a...
  17. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Stubborn, Painful Bumblefoot - No Core

    My 4 y/o GLW, Drucie, has struggled with bumblefoot on and off for most of her life. Whenever we finally get her to heal up, she always gets it back--and, notably, it always flares up during peak laying season (as if the act of laying causes system-wide inflammation). Anyway, a couple weeks...
  18. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Suspected Internal Laying: Worth Antibiotics?

    ...EYP. Her poop is normal, crop is emptying, and she's eating and drinking plenty. She's also active and vocal. Comb is vibrant red. Her belly is *maybe* a little swollen/firm, but she's always been a chunk and felt on the fuller side in that area. It's not to the degree that I'm certain it's...
  19. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    HELP Check My Math!: safeguard aquasol dosage for small flock

    Hi! I'm dosing my chickens with safeguard aquasol. I bought a small amount via ebay since it's otherwise extremely expensive (it's manufactured for massive farm/factory flocks). Due to its unforgivingly high concentration and my lack of math skills, I'm skeptical of my calculations and worried...
  20. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Can someone check my math? Safeguard aquasol for small flock

    I'm skeptical of my math abilities and I'm worried about massively overdosing my flock due to miscalculation (x the unforgivingly high concentration of safeguard aquasol). I bought a small portion of safeguard aquasol, which is otherwise very expensive because it's typically used for...
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