
5 Years
May 29, 2019
Meet my best friend in the universe, Glory. Whenever she sees me, she literally runs into my arms for cuddles (not exaggerating). I love her so darn much. She is a 4 year old BO.

Every once in the blue moon, an egg moving through Glory's system seems to cause a temporary pinched nerve. As a result, she limps dramatically until the egg moves further along, and by the time it's out, she's right as rain.

Today, she seemed completely normal and was getting around just fine. She then laid a late afternoon egg. Afterwards, I noticed her limping ONLY when running. It's like a weird, comical gallop. She can walk around fine with no limp at all, and does not seem to be avoiding walking (she covered a lot of ground free ranging this evening). She also is jumping up and down from roosts fine. If you didn't see her try to run, you'd never notice anything wrong.

Is it possible that the effects of a pinched nerve can linger? I don't want to separate her or do anything dramatic because she's acting fine and having a blast with her flock like usual, but the run is worrying me. I'm hoping she will sleep it off and be okay in the morning.

Please let me know your thoughts. No other symptoms; just laid a healthy egg, eating, drinking, good color, model poops. No swelling, redness, heat, or bumblefoot. She is a big girl like typical BO big, so she is carrying a lot of weight.

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There could be some soreness associated with pinched nerve. I'd see how she is tomorrow.
Hopefully by then she'll be running around as normal.
I think she's okay now. There were a few days of really bad weather where I couldn't let them out to run around (so I couldn't be certain whether she was still limp-running), but as of yesterday, she's back to normal. Thank you!

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