Reviews by applebutter14

Barred Rock

Pros: very sweet and docile
Cons: eats alot of feed, they can be jumpy at times
i had a barred rock, her name was bella, i got her on 2-7-2015, from murray mcmurray hatchery. i raised her from a chick. she was sweet and docile, but was jumpy at times and she ate ALOT!!! she would peck at the others to stop eating so ahe would have more, every time i gave the feed call bella would alway come running and she was alsways stuffing her face! her crop was always full. but i still loved her, her comb was not show quality, it was a little bent in the back, but it worked out because the bird flue made them cancle the shows where i live. about a month ago i sold her to a family who lived on a farm ( i live in town) along with a white cochin and a cuckoo maran rooster. i sold her before she was old enough to lay eggs so i dont know how well she lays.

here is a picture of her along with my cuckoo marans rooster:

i think she is on the left, not to sure
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