Recent content by TiaMaria413

  1. TiaMaria413

    Help: Why is my chicken burping?

    This is great advice! We are trying it now.
  2. TiaMaria413

    Treating bumblefoot with tricide-neo

    Where do you find those spirlena powder and dehulled sunflower seeds? And the vitamin A? I want to give my chicken healthy food.
  3. TiaMaria413

    My hen ate styrofoam!!

    Thanks for posting about this. Just discovered my hen had eaten a bunch of styrofoam from a lamp I unpacked. I was so worried.
  4. TiaMaria413

    Did you know Chickens can get heart murmurs too?

    Found out yesterday at the vet that my hen has a heart murmur. I didn’t want to pay for X-rays and blood work though. Now I wish I had.
  5. TiaMaria413

    Bumble foot

    Can I soak her foot in an epsom bath every couple of days and just wrap her foot up after with some antibiotic ointment (Silvex or Polysporin)? Or does that black scab/plug need to be dug out?
  6. TiaMaria413

    Raspy Voiced Hen; also molting

    Hello. My Cornish Cross hen of 1 1/2 years old suddenly got a raspy voice and is being extra clingy. By that I mean she wants to be by my side all the time and normally she does her own thing, free ranging all day. She is a lone chicken so that’s partly why. Do you think that raspy voice is...
  7. TiaMaria413

    UPDATED PICS: Possible Parasites?

    Hi there. Did you ever find out what it was? My chicken looks similar and has a very dirty upper tail area (right around the preen gland) but is clean everywhere else. I could not see anything moving after looking carefully at her skin all over several times. Here are some close ups of the dirty...
  8. TiaMaria413

    Ended Do You Need A Rollaway Nest Box? - Win A Free Nest Box From

    My hen keeps stepping on /laying on and crushing her own eggs! Then her sweet white feathers get all yolky and turn sticky and yellow. Currently she lays in a plastic bin turned sideways which is not efficient and flips over on her sometimes. This nest box would be perfect for her!
  9. TiaMaria413

    Help! How do I treat tapeworms.

    Does anyone know what the difference between the Valbazen and Wazine is?
  10. TiaMaria413

    Help! How do I treat tapeworms.

    Are you going to soak a piece of bread with it? I was thinking to put it in the water but it probably tastes awful and they might not drink it.
  11. TiaMaria413

    Help! How do I treat tapeworms.

    I’m curious to know some details about treatment for worms too. My hen shook her feathers on the porch and after she walked away, I noticed a couple of little sesame seed-like worms where she had been standing (still alive and moving). What happens if you don’t treat them? Also where do they get...
  12. TiaMaria413

    Anyone ever have success at keeping a Cornish Cross as a "pet??"

    Hi Audra. I realize this is an old post but I’m curious to know if you still have the Cornish X hen. I have one of these hens (she was given to me) and I’ve become so attached. She’s 7 months or so and has no health issues. I just give her a little less than 3/4 cup of layer pellets every day...
  13. TiaMaria413

    Help with my Pet Meat Chickens!!

    Hi Nate. So do you have an update on how they are doing now? I know this was way back in May when you posted this, but I’ve heard of people having that breed live for up to 4 years. I currently have one and she’s 7 months or so old, very healthy and happy. No problems whatsoever other than she...
  14. TiaMaria413

    My Rescue broiler

    That’s awesome! I have a meat bird hen as a pet as well. She’s about 6 months now. Kinda random how I got her. She was just given to me. Here’s a pic!
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