
Jul 1, 2019
Savoy, MA
Hello. My Cornish Cross hen of 1 1/2 years old suddenly got a raspy voice and is being extra clingy. By that I mean she wants to be by my side all the time and normally she does her own thing, free ranging all day. She is a lone chicken so that’s partly why. Do you think that raspy voice is caused by gapeworm or some kind of upper respiratory obstruction? She doesn’t have any nasal discharge and hasn’t sneezed or coughed at all. Occasionally I see her gaping her mouth open to the ceiling like they do when their food won’t go down all the way. But not often, a few times a day I’d say.
Another thing is that she also suddenly stopped laying eggs whereas last week and all summer long, she was laying almost once a day. She is also molting And bald beneath her wings and everyday there are tons of feathers where she has pruned herself.
She probably isn’t laying because she is molting.
Congratulations on keeping a Cornish Cross going for 1 1/2 years. She must be very well cared for.
Chickens can catch “colds” so watch her for other respiratory symptoms.
There are remedies for respiratory illnesses in birds explained on this site. One of them is Vet Rx.

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