Help! How do I treat tapeworms.

Right lol. I just hope they’ll be ok till I get the wormer in.
You might call a local vet too, I ordered the 500 ml bottle of it online, but then thought to call and sure enough though they don't treat chickens they would dispense it to me I just had to know how much I needed, it cost me 9.oo with the 6.oo dispensing fee to get some to do the first treatment while the other gets here for the second
You might call a local vet too, I ordered the 500 ml bottle of it online, but then thought to call and sure enough though they don't treat chickens they would dispense it to me I just had to know how much I needed, it cost me 9.oo with the 6.oo dispensing fee to get some to do the first treatment while the other gets here for the second
I’ll do that in the morning. I’m worried about giving it to them with the syringe. I’m thinking the bread way would be safer for me. So I won’t strangle them or put it down the wrong pipe.
I’ll do that in the morning. I’m worried about giving it to them with the syringe. I’m thinking the bread way would be safer for me. So I won’t strangle them or put it down the wrong pipe.
I was worried to but doing it slowly not all at once helped a lot. but you do it how you feel most comfortable , theres more than one way to do things, you do want to make sure they get their full dose

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