Recent content by LMHallock

  1. LMHallock

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Still here, 3 new chicks were added during Covid and the run was majorly expanded that year. All has been good in the coop until a month ago. A hawk killed one of the girls (RIP Rhonda) while they were free ranging in the fenced garden area, first time dealing with a hawk in 8 years of having...
  2. LMHallock

    Official BYC Poll: How Is Your Run Covered?

    North Georgia Mountains, snow accumulation is usually in Jan-Feb with heavier wet snow that just lasts a few days. I'll update the post to reflect that.
  3. LMHallock

    Official BYC Poll: How Is Your Run Covered?

    In Summer 2020 we built a walk-in run that attached to the coop. Sides of run are hardware cloth and 1/3 roof is hardware cloth. We planned to add a solid roof portion eventually and purchased premium bird netting as a temporary cover for that portion. It has held up so well that we aren't in...
  4. LMHallock

    Care for remaining chicken after other one killed

    I'm so sorry for your loss. We lost one of our two Buff Orpington's in December and the single chicken is doing ok (they were raised together 4 years from chicks). They can adjust. I spent time daily with the single girl when she free ranged in the fenced garden. She became more comfortable...
  5. LMHallock

    insect sting/bite, swollen waddles and throat

    Sunday morning I let chickens out as usual everyone was fine. A few hours later I noticed one was lethargic. Thinking it might be the heat, I soaked her feet in cool water. Comb and wattles were very red but not purple. It seemed to comfort her, but didn’t perk her up. She wouldn’t eat or...
  6. LMHallock

    coop and run set in vegetable garden

    The girls love digging thru the compost and a couple of times a year I pull out a mound into a cooling compost area (that they aren't allowed into), then use it in my garden boxes.
  7. LMHallock

    coop and run set in vegetable garden

    My coop and run are in a fenced in area in middle of my vegetable garden (which is also fenced in). The girls are locked in the coop at night but spend the days in their run area and have supervised free range in the garden and an occasional field trip to other parts of the yard. The coop is...
  8. coop and run set in vegetable garden

    coop and run set in vegetable garden

    My coop is in a fenced in area in middle of my vegetable garden (which is also fenced in). My 3 Buff Orpington girls get supervised free range time. Planter boxes have plastic mesh to keep them from getting more than a leaf or two (they don't try to fly over it). The coop is a kit from Urban...
  9. LMHallock

    Comment by 'lmhallock' in album 'My manx cats'

    These are my 2 manx cats. Rocky (tuxedo) was a feral kitten who found us and Sophie was a feral adoption (she loves to play fetch). They are extremely social cats!
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