Care for remaining chicken after other one killed


Mar 31, 2020
Hi. We live in LA. I had two chickens that were about 3-4 years old. We raised them since they were a week old. We have a coyote proof home I built for them. However, two days ago, in broad daylight, a coyote brazenly took one of our chickens from our yard, where we would let them hang out during the day. Now, We are worried about preventing our remaining chicken from falling into depression.
Question: Does anybody know a place in SoCal where I can get a mature chicken to replace her with? If not, what is the consensus on whether she'll be happier going to a farm with lots of chickens, but a new place, obviously, with a different life than she is used to; or, if I can't find a partner, do I keep her in her familiar environment but alone? Or, is there a third option? Want to do the best for her. (I don't want to start over with two new chicks).
I’m so sorry for your loss! :hugs
I would look on Craigslist or seek out a local farmer for at least 2 chickens. Be careful, though because you will need to quarantine your new chickens for a week before introducing them to your singleton.
Best of luck!!!
I'm so sorry for your loss. We lost one of our two Buff Orpington's in December and the single chicken is doing ok (they were raised together 4 years from chicks). They can adjust. I spent time daily with the single girl when she free ranged in the fenced garden. She became more comfortable being alone. I'm now raising 3 chicks to integrate with her, they are 3 weeks old now. They spend just a few hours a day in a partitioned part of the run. The single girl is finally getting used to the idea, hoping that the integration will go smoothly.

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