insect sting/bite, swollen waddles and throat


7 Years
Feb 10, 2017
Sunday morning I let chickens out as usual everyone was fine. A few hours later I noticed one was lethargic. Thinking it might be the heat, I soaked her feet in cool water. Comb and wattles were very red but not purple. It seemed to comfort her, but didn’t perk her up. She wouldn’t eat or drink and spent the day resting in the shade.
I forced electrolyte water in her drop by drop and noticed a sticky clear bubble matter in her mouth (didn’t smell). Her eyes and nostrils were clear and crop was empty. She roosted as normal that night and in the morning was down with the other 2 girls but still wouldn’t eat or drink. When I picked her up I noticed she had a golf ball size bulge under her beak and her waddles were swollen hard.
Thinking it was an insect sting/bite, I researched here and gave her ½ child’s Benadryl tablet dissolved in electrolyte water. Unfortunately, I had to be at work all day. So thankful that 8 hours later the swelling had gone down a bit (as shown in picture).
Georgie sting.jpg
georgie sting 1.jpg
georgie sting 2.jpg

She was more active but still not eating (softened food) or drinking. Gave another dose of Benadryl before bed.
This morning she is back to normal activity and eating but still has some swelling. Yellow jackets are around so I’m putting up traps. I'm not 100% sure this is from a sting, but so thankful that she is improving :)
Thanks for everyone who posts on this site and the ability to quickly search the forums!

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