what breed of chicken is best for you?

The article has good information but the spelling and grammar errors make it hard to read.
Full disclosure - I'm a retired teacher.
This shouldn't be written - as if, "texting."
This is an "Article" which is a piece of writing for a large audience to inform, motivate, or inspire others. It needs to be written with proper spelling, grammar, and capitalization in order to get your message across, expressing your knowledge, and insure your audience understands the information you have included.
You have introduced the different breeds of chickens and given some specific information, but only included one breed's picture - (Dorking).
Suggestion: It would be an excellent addition to include pictures of all breeds for your audience to see the differences of each one. This helps people determine the type of flock they want to choose.
pekin queen
pekin queen
yes sorry about that it was being weird when i was trying to ad other pictures and only worked for the dorking i will try when i have time
Need to read through do a spell check .. Marans is french breed add the S.. rear is behing rare is what you want.. spell check and grammar needed please
Capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar. It's not nit-picky--it makes any written thing readable.

Also, maybe a quantitative mention of how much is "a lot or a little" when it comes to space. A link or reference to recommended square footage per bird by breed? Ex: large breeds need at least 4 sq ft in the coop and 10 sq ft in the run.
Good info but definitely needs to be edited for grammar and misspelled words.
Very interesting! Lots of information!
Do consider editing-check for spelling and grammatical errors.
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pekin queen
pekin queen
thank you! :)
yeah sorry about that i am not the best at spelling.....but i will go through and fix some things
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