pekin bantam

  1. J

    Failed Attempt at Hatching Pekin Bantam Eggs

    Hi there everyone! I recently went to a breeder and got 6 Mille fluer and Porcelain Pekin bantam eggs. I have a Janoel 24s incubator. She had been saving them for a week which I have read is perfectly fine. I candled the eggs at day 8 and saw that 5/6 eggs were developing which was great! Soon...
  2. S

    Pekin Bantam Cokerel or Pullet?

    Hi, looking for some advice please - do you think my Pekin Bantam 5 1/2 week old chick is a cockerel or pullet? Pics attached. All 4 of the chicks I have seem to be pullets but this one is confusing me. Thank you
  3. M

    Sexing 7 week old Pekin bantam, Polish and silkie !!! Help!!!

    Hi everyone, This is my first time having chicks but we had a v.stubborn broody silkie so I twist DH arm into buying her some day old chicks (chickens for my chicken don’t count right) … I think I may have had worst luck and have all boys . They are 7 weeks old today. I’m hoping to still keep...
  4. Q

    Look at the Cochin Bantam color

    I live in Korea. My English is not good. I raised this cochin. But I can't find any information anywhere. Do you have a silver duck wing color for Cochin Bantam?
  5. what breed of chicken is best for you?

    what breed of chicken is best for you?

    for all of you new backyard chicken keepers (or even experienced ones who want a new breed) it is all ways hard choosing a good breed. today i am going to go over the thing you need to ask your self before getting chickens. #1 why do you want chickens? .do you want them for eggs? .do you...
  6. download (4).jpeg

    download (4).jpeg

    black pekin bantam pullet
  7. Tretinker

    Nearly 4 weeks now and think we have a definite Roo!

    Well the chicks are nearly 4 weeks as the title says and they are really filling out especially the Pekins! Nugget (the more yellow one) is as bold as brass, seemingly fearless. Kiev (the more reddish one) is more timid and cuddly of the two. Heihei is the GLW who's feathering so much...
  8. pekin queen

    pekin/cochin bantam show breeding

    hi i just wanted to make a thread on breeding pekin bantams for show or to the standard or for colour so feel free to post your pekin project on here :)
  9. Keza8ella

    Are they buffs or lemons?

    Buff or lemon? Or neither? Weaton maybe? They are 12 week old Pekin Bantams.
  10. pekin queen

    i need help understanding genetics for pekin bantams

    hi i need help understanding the genetics of the mottled pekin bantams, i have decided that i wont to learn genetics, now that i have learnt lots of other stuff there is to learn about chickens, so any help would be appreciated,
  11. pekin queen

    online pekin bantam show *no prize*

    for this show i am judging to the nz poultry stranded but any photos of pekin bantams wold be amazing thank you :) RULES:all photos must be of pekin...
  12. pekin queen

    pekin bantam showing tips

    hi i am new to showing i have pekin bantams and i need a few tips thanks :hugs:) p.s i have mottled pekin bantams
  13. Jazzc

    Problem with bantams leg?

    My pekin bantam has recently stopped being broody (she was broody around 3 weeks to hatch out some eggs) and I have noticed alot of white feathers scattered everywhere(like ALOT of feathers), so I inspected her and her legs seem to be missing feathers (she's a pekin so her legs grow feathers) I...
  14. Chicky_boo

    Litte Pekin Cross - Gender confused?

    Hi everyone! I got given a mamma pekin with (what looks to be pekin cross) chicks. They've been in the coop now for a while, had some serious mite treatments done first (not having been in a good state from where ever they came from) and are settled in and are growing big - but now the little...
  15. C

    Treating scaly leg mites on a pekin bantam

    I have 3 female pekin bantams and they all have quite a lot of feathers on their feet. One of them has quite bad scaly leg mites and I assume the other 2 probably do. However because of feathers on their feet + them moving, it is very hard to me to cover all of the spots on their feet with...
  16. P

    Sexing a 6.5 week-old Pekin bantam mix...

    Heya folks! Are we right in thinking we've got a cockerel on our hands? This is Pepys, who is very flighty still at 6.5 weeks old - a single chick, so unfortunately no comparisons available. He's also not a pure breed, so we're not absolutely certain. Pictures of the parents included below -...
  17. M

    Poorly hens - mycoplasma

    I recently bought 4 hens (2 silkies, pekin bantam and polish bantam). Sadly just after a week of getting them 2 died - we thought it was a case of worms as they were gaping and only died very suddenly. The other we took to the vet and they diagnosed mycoplasma- sadly after 3 days she also passed...
  18. B

    Feather loss spreading from head down body

    Hello- we have 3 peking bantam chickens who have recently started mating. The cockerel started going bald just on his head and we rang a local vet who put this down to the stress of the first mating season. He has now lost feathers all the way down his neck too. One of the hens (the smallest...
  19. B

    All new mixed coop - bantams AND full size?

    We are getting 5/6 full size POL hens this weekend, all hybrid mixed breeds. No hens or roosters at the property currently. While there, I had hoped to also pick up one or two Pekin Bantams to add in with the coop at the same time. As none of the hens have lived together before, do I stand a...
  20. Jazzc

    Deleted thread

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