Clostridium Cure and Intestinal Repair

This is an exploratory piece on a common but little discussed infection that can have a devastating effect on chickens (and other species, including humans). As written, it gives the unfortunate impression that the author has only a shaky grasp of what they are writing or repeating, and mixes observations on how easy or difficult they imagine some potential treatments might be to obtain, and from where, with the excellent point that "Clostridium however is a serious illness that should be treated by a qualified doctor or veterinarian. It isn’t something that will resolve itself or can be treated at home." Some further research and consideration would lead to a better revised version.
Informative article on clostridium.
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An interesting intro into clostridium. Unfortunately I don't feel there's enough emphasis on how devastating c. Dif can be to certain humans that may pick it up. Also the home remedies listed have no scientific references! This is not acceptable if they are going to introduced as an option, even with the disclosure of not being a professional.
Well there’s a reason there aren’t scientific references to the home remedies, it’s the very reason I called them “home remedies” and said that they “may” help, not that they would.

Medical Definition of home remedy
: a simply prepared medication or tonic often of unproven effectiveness administered without prescription or professional supervision
Great article! Very informative and thorough with good documentation
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Well done and well documented.
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Thank you!
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