5 Best Chicken Breeds for Children

Links are broken. I was shocked not to see Silkie or a couple other breeds I know are good for children on there. I think this list should be about twice the length, as in 10 breeds, not just 5.

If you had owned these breeds and are speaking on your own personal preference, I would state it that way rather than it being an informative article.
There are a lot of these lists out there, and most of them include more or less the same chickens. What I found frustrating when trying to choose breeds was having to rely on information from various sources, and so not feeling sure I was making a true apples to apples comparison. I would appreciate a point by point description of each chicken so I can easily compare pros and cons or see whatever attributes I want to look at. For example, you mention Australorps will lay over winter, and then say that Welsummers are cold-hardy, but that's not the same thing, and a beginner may not understand the difference. I would have to go now to a different source to find out if a Welsummer lays over winter or not, if that's a consideration for me, vs. a one-stop article that addresses all the same considerations for each bird. I do appreciate mentioning that Easter Eggers are not a true breed, because I think they get recommended a lot these days, and I probably would have been disappointed if I had purchased them from tractor supply, only to realize after the fact. While Buff Orpingtons are probably the easiest Orpingtons to get one's hands on, a brief mention that the Orpington breed comes in a variety of colors and that the Buff variety specifically doesn't have any bearing on temperament, might be worth pointing out to a beginner audience as well. Overall it's not a bad article, if nothing earth shattering presented, but fixing broken images and presenting the information in a uniform easy-to-compare format would be great! Always a good reminder that chickens are chickens, a lot depends on how they are raised, and ymmv from one individual bird to the next.
It's great to hear other's opinion on friendly birds, I'd agree it's really an individual thing! Also how they're raised. ♥️
Broken photos, buff orpington is not a breed, and there are several breeds friendlier than some of the ones listed here.
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Pictures are missing, otherwise the article could come in handy to those just starting out and wanting a kid-friendly flock.
Some of the picture are broken.
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